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I have a DF 300 and a NMEA 2000 network on the boat. Suzuki have advised me that I must use their serial gauges if I am to avoid warranty issues with the DF300. Unfortunately, while either the serial gauges, or the NMEA 2000 gauges can be connected into the engine wiring harness, both cannot connect at the same time as they share the same harness plug. As the Suzuki serial gauges are not compatible with NMEA 2000, it also means by using the compulsory DF 300 serial gauges, that the NMEA 2000 network cannot access the engine data. The reverse also applies - the Suzuki serial gauges cannot read the GPS data from the NMEA network. So, if you are looking for accurate integrated range and economy data (litre/km) and such data for your trips and each tank with Suzuki motors, and protecting your warranty, your dreamin' as they say. Notwithstanding the warranty issue, the DF 300 works fine on NMEA 2000 - but the Suzuki message is at your risk.
I have written to Suzuki management and asked them why, but we'll see given that no-one else has had any success. In the meantime, my advice to any potential Suzuki buyers looking for the advantages of the NMEA 2000 data network, you won't get warranty support for your motor if you disconnect the recommended gauges. In this day and age with the high performance specs of the main motor brands, maybe another brand motor that does support NMEA 2000 or uses integrated GPS data in another data network will need to be considered if you really want that sort of running data, and keep your engine warranty intact. At least any readers of this post are now more informed than I was when I made my purchasing decision.