is there a preferred product for spraying onto the connection leads / pins for the electronics to protect from corrosion?
is there a preferred product for spraying onto the connection leads / pins for the electronics to protect from corrosion?
I have used a silicon spray for ages with no bad side effects.
ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................
Lanox is the go or Inox if there's no Lanox in the toolbox
Don't use WD40 or those types of things
I intend on living far so good
I agree with Finga. You could also look for one of the electrical jointing compounds (paste type) that are available. BCF stock one put i just can't remember the name of it. I use Almanox here.
Alminox contains zinc and is conductive. That's one reason we used it on aluminium overhead power lines.
Some tracking between terminals may occur.
And it's dark icky stuff that sticks like poop to a blanket to everything it touches.
Good for under the truck door handles on people who've upset you though![]()
I intend on living far so good
Im using MarineGuard on my leectrical connections. Has Lanolin. So far no problems and no corrosion.
where did you get this 'marine guard'? what is it?
Mick i was told by Northside marine and a bloke from Sundown marine when it was going to use ----- Inox ------
planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish
Everyone seems to have forgotten the old petroleum jelly.
I intend on living far so good