Originally Posted by
Ok Here we go, just my thoughts and I don't even own one.
Running on 2cyl not 3 has nothing to do with oil. It is an injector,fuel supply ( restriction , filter) , plug ,ignition , ECU or wiring issue.
Now for the oil one. They are designed not to get air in them same as every brand for the last 40 years. Only way air can get in is via empty tank, stuffed oil injector or tubing connector and they are unlikely.
Did the oil tank nearly empty tank alarm go off or was it only the oil pressure alarm they have ? They have seperate codes. They also have a seperate code for the oil injector failing to fire?
What code did you get.
Now regardless it is a warranty job for running on 2cyl as that has nothing to do with the oil issue. Even with the oil issue when it goes into poofta mode it will run at 1500revs for a long time without doing damage ( Ive seen the adverts).
A low tank oil alarm would not put you into poofta mode
A no oil in tank and a no oil in injector and a failing oil injector would. You wouold have a simple dash light alarm and piezzeo or if you have the fancy poofta guages the words as well.
As for all the "this motor is rubbish comments" drop down to your local wrecking yard for outboards and pick me up some of the large pile that obviously are down there that were unrepairable as I actually haven't see many and probably 70% of any brand in a wrecker have been mistreated in some way to start with.
Of all the brands and models of 5 year old outboards can anyone start a list of ones that are dogs, handgrenades or whatever. Seen a few that placed on the wrong hulls didn't do well and most have some issues here and there that require monitering like scale in water cooled oil filters and so on but nothing that if kept on top of that is going to kill a motor. All brands are pretty well engineered , have better consistancy and initial quality of materials than any motor more than 8 years ago and should last longer if looked after. If you say anything different you are full of it.
Who has directly had a completely failed motor apart from the 3-5 that I think have been mentioned on here before?
What recent problems have they been having and some must have a few hours on them by now?
Is your dealer and the person who set motor up a etec trained mechanic and rigger?
Have you got a copt of the dealers printout from the diagnostic he ran showing the codes on teh motor? Get it he will have it stored on his computer and keep it with your service , warranty receipts.
Did your dealer do a compression check?
Did your dealer do a coil output test?
Did your dealer put ner fuel filter on?
Did your dealer check filter in ttom of oil resovior?
Did your dealer check for oil leaks?
Did your dealer tank test the motor now and on predelivery and could the problem be made to reoccur?
Did your dealer test existing plug new ones in as a precaution?
Did he offer to replace ECU or all 3 injectors if it reoccurs and he can't diagnose it especially since he knows you are doing bar work and you may die!!!????
Alll the above go for any motor it doesn't have to be a 2 stroke , 4 stroke or a etec the above summary fits for any motor. It ain't exactly rocket science and the dealer either wants you as a customer or he doesn't?
Oh yeah and if you want to do a something simple while motor is turned off just go to each injector and confirm hat the plugs from the loom are seated properly and clipped in cleanly along with any other electrical connectors. Often the dealers seem to rely on diagnostics of ECU these days and forget to open their friggin eyes to the simple obvious things like a split spark plug boot etc etc.\
Either way put up some more info and forget the knockers as they are just too scared to even believe their motors could ever have an issue - but of course they all do at some point.
Yours shouldn't be a drama
Be a lo better if people here actually tried to be constructive and help rather than piss take everything.
Challenge is there for anyone to go to a wreckers and get a photograph of all the less than 5 year old motors - not that many of any brand.