Shot up the river with a boat with livies for half a day and caught some moses perch and a cod and a small spotty but didn't see anything to exiting. On the last day i hired a tinny as the charter wouldn't let me use my plastics or H Bodies so i pushed up to were we anchored onto some world war 2 pontoons and dropped out a barra basha bibbless and after a few casts i was onto my first Jack. A few photos and back he went i started trolling my way back to the harbour and lost a small GT after a short fight as i hooked one on the way there and got bitten off at the boat. Hooked my second jack on the banks near the harbour and it went bigger and ran hard. All and all a good trip up north only missing a few species barra and coral trout. A birthdat i won't forget for a while. Cheers