The double hook up of Nannies would have given you a workout - great post - thanks for sharing............Geeb
The double hook up of Nannies would have given you a workout - great post - thanks for sharing............Geeb
Great work guys, man that's a beautiful colour to see coming over the side of the boat! Some awesome catches there. You're game using a double-hook dropper in big red country though, don't think I'm brave enough to try that.
Well done guys. with those fuel figures ozbee you must be happier with the new suzi then?
what speed can the patriot handle in those conditions 20knt?
Nic, you and dave heading out this weekend?
Josh, fuel figures are rough at the moment, but who cares if its uses the same or a little more fuel even, Graham isn't spending the extra $70 on oil per trip the etec was guzzling.
AS for speed we mainly stayed around 20-25knts, but as we got closer and closer, we couldn't help but push it upto 30knts. Ride was a little rougher due to no tabs to keep the boat level but with tabs 30knts all the way would've been a cinch
Holy smokes! That is a great report Scott with plenty of great fish, well done.
good catch but is in necesary to take all them reds home .
how many reds are there ???
oop sorry i missed a paragraph
In fairness to my albi, maybe he thought all the fish were Red Emperor?....
Catching and keeping 42 fish amongst 5 people doesnt go that far, particularly if the 5 anglers are from different families......they have travelled more than likely over 200 k across water, spent a fair bit of money doing so.....its not unreasonable to want a few weeks feed for the effort.
Scott, great catch!