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Thread: Lake Wivenhoe Access

  1. #1

    Lake Wivenhoe Access

    For all members of the Sailing Club. The bridge on the access road into Billies Bay and Hays Landing has been damaged by the inflow of water. Somerset Council have blocked the road until further notice.

  2. #2

    Re: Lake Wivenhoe Access

    Hi Dale,
    Thanks for that info mate. How badly is/are the bridge/s damaged? Have you been out there to have a look?
    Hoping to fish Big W later this week.


  3. #3

    Re: Lake Wivenhoe Access

    Hi Dale,

    From your post, I assume non-sailor can join just to get access to the ramps there.

    How much? Does the sailing club have a website?



  4. #4

    Re: Lake Wivenhoe Access

    There are some photos on the Sweetwater site. Latest word from the council is that it could be a while before the road is fixed. It seems the council doesn't have the budget to fix the road, it's not covered by the flood relief money and the State Government is too broke. Anybody who's joined the Brisbane Valley Sailing club should start writing to the Somerset Council.

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