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Thread: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

  1. #16

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?


    keen to see the slow cook, done a few myself... get most of my info from the virtual weber bulletin board

    so a keen weber user here, thinking of buying the Green Egg as I reckon we have almost burnt out the grills on ours,,, (still tempted by the ranch kettle) but thats a bit of overkill for a couple, those things are the deathstar of grills

    also see a blokes website and check out his videos,, his latest is a bacon explosion with cheese.... reckon that might be an Agnes cookoff winner that..
    Tangles KFC

  2. #17

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    We've got a hooded bbq with rotisarie 'spell check' and keen to see it work, will be keepin an eye on this thead

  3. #18

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    I have registered a subscription to this thread and will be keenly following your tips. Thanks.

  4. #19
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    The preparation started this afternoon.
    Pork leg skinned, Injected with rum & Apple cider and Rubbed with a dry rub Then in the fridge.
    Ready to get out of bed at 5am to put it on the bench to bring to room temp (Then back to bed) before an 9am start (Small 1.3 kg leg)
    I'm going to struggle if The storms hit again as predicted
    Just as well I have the dog bowl camera (Water proof)
    Looks like it is going to be extreme blow and that might blow the heat out of my BBQ and ruin the joint of meat. I live in a new house and dont have any undercover outdoor area as yet.

    Bugger, If I get no results, Will try again next week. But wont be pork. prolly chook

  5. #20

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    I purchased a Cobb oven last year and I'm trying to perfect cooking a roast on it. What I've learnt so far is don't skimp on buying the heatbeads. The cheaper beads are crap. I'm trying the Heatbead brand tonight.

  6. #21
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    Quote Originally Posted by flybloke View Post
    The preparation started this afternoon.
    Pork leg skinned, Injected with rum & Apple cider and Rubbed with a dry rub Then in the fridge.
    Ready to get out of bed at 5am to put it on the bench to bring to room temp (Then back to bed) before an 9am start (Small 1.3 kg leg)
    I'm going to struggle if The storms hit again as predicted
    Just as well I have the dog bowl camera (Water proof)
    Looks like it is going to be extreme blow and that might blow the heat out of my BBQ and ruin the joint of meat. I live in a new house and dont have any undercover outdoor area as yet.

    Bugger, If I get no results, Will try again next week. But wont be pork. prolly chook
    what is wrong with you? no sense of adventure..stick the bloody thing in the lounge room.

  7. #22
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    Quote Originally Posted by wags on the water View Post
    I purchased a Cobb oven last year and I'm trying to perfect cooking a roast on it. What I've learnt so far is don't skimp on buying the heatbeads. The cheaper beads are crap. I'm trying the Heatbead brand tonight.
    Mike..when I had mine I think I went the other way a bit too far at times..more like a crematorium than a cooker.

  8. #23
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    Not allowed to have a pressure cooker in the house, something about the little round rubber thingo flying out and a big mess on the ceiling

    As I too am on the GC you do need to consider the use of at least one "observer" particularly as the food comes out of the cooking process.

    This is essential to ensure that the taste is suitable and appropriate for all on the site. We cannot be too careful!!

    PM site location and detail what accoutrements should be brought to the testing

    What could go wrong.......................

  9. #24

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    Well I think I'm getting better. At least it was cooked this time. I definately won't be buying those cheap beads again.

    Roast lamb....Mmmmm

  10. #25
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jan 2008

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    Quote Originally Posted by wags on the water View Post
    I purchased a Cobb oven last year and I'm trying to perfect cooking a roast on it. What I've learnt so far is don't skimp on buying the heatbeads. The cheaper beads are crap. I'm trying the Heatbead brand tonight.
    Yep, All others taste like grandma burning garbage in the fireplace ( Does that analogy ring a bell for you?)
    Ive not used a Cobb so would be interested in how you go. I do have a little square webber portable that is great for picnics. More a Hibachi grill than an oven.
    Is that what a Cobb is?

  11. #26

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    Yep dont use the cheap brands as dont last and dont burn consistently as well.

    My tip with the heatbeads, the usual headbeads you can access easily have 3 grades I reckon

    1: Easy start heatbeads, ie easy to light jobbies... Avoid at all costs, dont last at all and dont burn consistently, also smell crap as well and cant be good for your bbq.

    2: Usual Heatbeads you get at Coles or Wollies ie the 4kg bag etc ... Avoid if possible as dont last well and arent tightly packed, use these as last resort

    3: Heatbeads Briquettes 10 kg bag: these are the babies to go for, you find them at bbq stores... good burn and consistent and last longer than the heatbeads you get at the supermarket... well worth getting them over the ones you get in the supermarket ( use those as a last resort and avoid the easy light jobbies!)

    We use the these plus add a generous amount of lump charcoal as well
    Tangles KFC

  12. #27

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    at last...... a live thread in the recipe section....bring it on!!!

  13. #28
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jan 2008

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    Bloody wind
    Coming along ok. Had to move it up onto the warming rack to where the temp is a little more stable.
    Beer o'clock

  14. #29
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jan 2008

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    Here it is 3 hrs in

  15. #30
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Off topic BBQ- Other meats?

    Not happy with the possible outcome, Could not control temp at 100-120 degrese.
    In my attempt to keep temp I had to attend the controls too much and the temp did spike a few times up to 150 Deg before I could regulate it.
    I took it off at 6 pm
    warming down now and will open wrap in ten mins.
    If its a failure I will still do up a pic show.
    Mistakes Ive made today.
    .Wrong weather
    .Too small a cut
    .No more bone in (get in the way of measuring meat temp)
    I've done it many times before in a gas BBQ and have had good results but using 6-8 kilo buts.
    About to serv up , will post back after dinner

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