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Thread: Luring the Brizzy on Sun (now with pics)

  1. #1

    Luring the Brizzy on Sun (now with pics)

    Hey all
    Me and Adam (Lizard Man) hit the river on Sunday morn, target species were snaps, jew and threaddies.
    Pulled up at the first spot to be immediately told to move 30m away, was not happy we were along way from the wharf, so apparently u have 2 b 30m away from the rock wall now, theres my whing now for the report, so after a move we dropped the lures down and, I hook up a nice cod, 46cm a pb 4 me, quick photo and measure and he's released, next up comes a little jew around 45cm, soon after we seen some fish breaking, Adam hooks up to a nice tailor on surface, around 42cm he was bleeding so he's shark bait, below the tailor,were some nice bream we ended up with 4-5 in about 10mins, all around 28cm's. We made another move in search of target species, With out in any luck! Otherwise a good day with good company.
    No photos cause the real computer is getting fixed.
    Cheers Simon

  2. #2

    Re: Luring the Brizzy on Sun

    that a good day on the water you got a pb! I went sunday catching snaps got nothing

  3. #3

    Re: Luring the Brizzy on Sun

    Nice seesion Ratty, sounds like a good trip with a PB. I was also flicking the river and got nothing but tailor and one flounder they make quick work or my SP's.
    Great effort

  4. #4

    Re: Luring the Brizzy on Sun

    sound like a great day,we where out there to and manage 8 bream between 28 and 33 caught alot more but under size also 3 shovel noise sharks

  5. #5

    Re: Luring the Brizzy on Sun (now with pics)

    Finally got the computer back so have some pix!

  6. #6

    Re: Luring the Brizzy on Sun (now with pics)

    nice catch mate.

    Cheers TiNTiN

  7. #7

    Re: Luring the Brizzy on Sun (now with pics)

    Good going in the River mate, hopefully this winter season is going to be great with all these great Snapper and other species being caught.

    Thanks for sharing, Tom

  8. #8

    Re: Luring the Brizzy on Sun (now with pics)

    this rain might put the skids on in the river for a while if we get the rain there saying were gunna get...its pissing down here atm

  9. #9

    Re: Luring the Brizzy on Sun (now with pics)

    Might put the skids on the river if we're lucky, or the whole western side of the bay if we're unlucky

    Thanks for a top river trip Simon. I had a great time.

    Who's that fat ba$!@%#

  10. #10

    Re: Luring the Brizzy on Sun (now with pics)

    Nice effort mate, can't believe its got to 30 ms from the wall Mate its been 3 weeks since I've had a fish due to commitments. Don't tell me they've got worse on the restrictions, Bloody hell .Anyway now we have the run off from hell to contend with. would have loved to have been on the water the same time as you fellas . A great time to fish just before a big fresh.I've had some cracker sessions as the fish go on the chew before the water dirties. Cheers and congrats on the PB

  11. #11

    Re: Luring the Brizzy on Sun (now with pics)

    Sounds like a good example of somebody attempting to justify their existence.

    This is from the Port of Brisbanes website -

    "Waterside Access

    Waterside access to operating wharves is restricted to 30 metres from the wharves. If a vessel is alongside a wharf, waterside restricted zones can be activated which restricts access to 30 metres from the outer side of the ship.
    Signs warning that a waterside restricted zone may be activated are located on all the wharves at the Port of Brisbane. Unauthorised access to these areas carries a penalty of 50 units (or $3,750). We conduct continued patrols of the port’s waterside area by our patrol vessels, PortWatch 1 and PortWatch 2.
    Under no circumstances is fishing allowed under any wharf at the port or within 30 metres of an operating wharf.
    In the interest of detecting and deterring any unauthorised activity within the port, we ask you please follow these rules and requests."


  12. #12

    Re: Luring the Brizzy on Sun (now with pics)

    Hi RatKing - which lures did you use? Did you continue on until sun up? DId the change of light effect your lure choice?
    You say fish, I say yes please.

  13. #13

    Re: Luring the Brizzy on Sun (now with pics)

    Quote Originally Posted by Duyz72 View Post
    Hi RatKing - which lures did you use? Did you continue on until sun up? DId the change of light effect your lure choice?
    Hey Duyz72
    My 2 goto river lures r always the yellow switch blade and blood up prawnstar in the medium size, yeah we didn't have much success after the sunrise, no the sunrise didn't affect the lure choice, but we didnt get a hit after so maybe it should.
    cheers Simon

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