Caught a bunch of these southside of brisbane while catching bream and flathead. Cheers in Advance, Nick.
Caught a bunch of these southside of brisbane while catching bream and flathead. Cheers in Advance, Nick.
puddy nose perch mate. the pine is full of the bugers at the moment
don't know what a puddy nose perch is, but to me that looks more like a juvenile thready
bowds has it, except I think its spelled "putty nose Perch". pretty little things, don't grow much bigger than that either. They are all through Cabbage tree creek also. tried to find some data/info on them but couldn't sorryI know they are in Grants guide to fishes though.
thanks guys, worth keeping them for bait? that one was 28cm
I have never tried or heard of them being used as bait.. I have tried eating one once though, wasn't too bad, took awhile to prepare witch turns me off (I don't like whiting for that reason either lol). The flesh was quite soft to witch might make it hard to use as a flesh bait.
The puttynose perch is actually a small threadfin species. The five filaments don't show in the photo as they tend to lie along the body when the fish is out of water. They are quite OK to eat, but I'm with Brandon on them (and whiting) - too much work for too little return. Grant recommends bleeding them on capture if you want to eat them
Cheers Freeeedom
Yep as others have sais it's a puddy nose pearch but it does look alittle like a juvenile thready and the reason for this is there quite closely related! When i was a young fella we used to catch them at Bishop Island all the time!Bishop Island now that's a blast from the past! and shows i'v got a bit of age!
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!
Beat me to it Freeeeeeeeeeeedom!
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!
My Dad told me once that when he was a kid (30's & 40's) thousands of people would line the banks of the Brisbane River catching these when the were on. He use to fish for them from a wharf at Petrie Bight while watching the construction of the Story Bridge.
Where there is one there are others, used to catch them in the Caboolture R more toward beachmere years ago, from memory we called them a species of threadfin. eating was good.....probably was because we ate them.
cheers fnq
Same here my father said they used to catch half a sugar bag at a time when they were on. When I was about 10 we used to get maybe 10 in a session.