how are you tony will look forward to meeting you at the next meeting as a few of us local boys are joining now i think we have around 5 or 6 interested in this so far cheers AL
how are you tony will look forward to meeting you at the next meeting as a few of us local boys are joining now i think we have around 5 or 6 interested in this so far cheers AL
Sorry off topic a little, but what is the road in like now. It has been a big turn off for a lot of anglers.
Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.
trev the road is pretty bad on the first section i broke the lights of my trailer yesterday big corries and cut outs looks like big rigs have been using it cheers AL
So If I take the motor of the boat I can take it to Lenthalls, but only fish in the middle of the day and will end up with a trailer and out fit resembling NAGG's after the muster?
If I could kick out the swag I might do an overnighter but that's not on either?
Lenthals is getting more attractive all the time .
Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.The Rest is just Wasted!
To The Shed.............
Hi Tony,
How are the bass going at Lenthalls now??
I am different from most others that fish it as I go there purely for the bass.
Are you guys still putting bass in there or are all funds being directed to barra these days?
My last trip there in October resulted in 2 fishless days and I have been waiting to hear when the bass are back before I revisit.
Hi Bazza
I haven't heard many reports of Bass recently although there have been a few caught - possibly because firstly not many people have been back since it's settled out there, and secondly because I think the majority of those fishing lately have been after Barra. (at least most of the reports I've heard about anyway)
Stocking both Bass and Barra are in the Stocking Associations Management Plan for the fishery, and as far as I'm aware there is no intention to change that.
As with several other impoundments over the last season or two, stocked fish (both Bass and Barra) have been affected to varying degrees by flooding. As we had flooding in both winter and summer it affected both Bass and Barra.
In my personal opinion it's only recently that it's all settled down a bit and I suppose that we'll get a better handle on what's left when it gets fished more regularly in the future.
Travelling to Bundy on Friday 19 June so I'll take a break there for a few hours.
Hopefully, it won't be one of thoser shut-down day.
From the ramp, is any direction better?
Ren, Good luck with that mate, from what I read the road would wreck you flash boat before you got there anyway.
I have a brace on one arm and stitches in the other, so bugger removing outboards. Anything over 9.9 stays on the boat. That's why the smaller ones are marked 'portable'.
Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.The Rest is just Wasted!
To The Shed.............
Hi Tony,
Thanks for the report, it is much appreciated. I will probably plan a trip in September as it should be around prime time for the bass. As I did last time if things are bad the Isis is only an hour up the road.
Hi Luc,
Each of the arms can fish well, personally I try to be aware of the conditions leading up to the trip and then go with the gut feel on the day based on what I know (although I'm certainly no guru!)
Mostly I work snags and edges of lilly beds, although if you're chasing Bass I imagine they might be schooled up in deeper water now.