[quote=Dean1;1019035]Argh Dean i was wondering when you will comment.
The deck in the 5.6 Hydro which you are referring to is 2.6 meters long and a beam of 2.5m wide (is that a small deck hey ) plus you can run twin engines no problem with twin tanks also, and Dean Twin batteries i think was a typeing error as that comment was stupid as my 12 tinnie could have them. .
Now with this whole triming thing, i honestly haven't driving a 5.2KC so i can't comment but cats are a lot harder to learn how to drive then normall boat correct? EG. mono's, tri's. Yes i understand all boats need triming but none need it as much as a Kevla cat EG. salesman have to take owners out to see and show them what to do before they take delivery. True or false? now they would not do this if there was no concern! Plus what other boat needs to have one engine trim in and one out when turning for more reasons then one . Also in a following sea, the trim in a cat is a must as the sponson can dig in and broach if not drivin right , as i experenced this in a 2400 offshore (novice driver). For the record is was hardly a big breaking wave that hit that boat off fidos either.
If you look at my first post i actually said the 5.2 KC were the choice out of the 3 boats picked, how we got to this was Cat owners beating there chest saying there the best and safest boat bar none, when its a false call so i commented on such a stupid comment , and It always ends up a tri VS Cat debate some how . And Ian yes i do and still will drive my boat through that area with big ground swell as the fish love it, and so will a few of the local boys, just done with timing and care. But yes to your question.