Hey there guys
took my tinnie out yesterday for a well earned fish the outboard on the back is a yamaha 30 cv 2 stroke. I dropped the boat in and lowerded the engine in to the water primed the fuel through gave it some choke and started pulling away on the pull cord after 2 or 3 pulls the engine kicked over so i turned off the choke and hit it again and she started only to stall a few seconds later there was an oily film running from the motor and every time i got it going it would give in a few seconds later incresing the oily film running from the back when the motor stalled it was making like a whistling noise as if something to do with compression. i eventually got it running but it took me around hallf an hour and was cautious to then go as far as i was going too. Does this problem seem obvious to anyone,i would appreciate any help. THANKS JETHRO