Thanks wetryin, good to hear your happy with your rig mate. I'm goin to go to the factory next week while i'm on holidays for a look (never really seen in/out/around one, so it doesnt cost/hurt to look).
G'day Dazza, great boat those 680's we had one of the original ones back in the early/mid 90's. My boat is probably needing a new trailer in the next few years, and as its over 2000kg that means breakaway brakes (i was only told it was 1900kg when i bought it, previous owner said he had a weighbridge ticket. Dunno what weighbridge he used, cause when i weighed it it went 2200kg without a drop of fuel, and the current trailer is way to lightly built for it). The motor is a carbied-2 stroke, its fine, theres nothing wrong with it. I mean, a 4-stroke would be great, but its a big investment. I was kinda thinkin instead of sinking $10+k into a trailer (i'd build my own, the old mans handy like that, but these days the insurance/liability side of things worry me. It'd be built like a brick shithouse, but if the insurance company changed there mind if i had a accident and wouldnt insure me, i'd be kinda screwed) and even a good 2nd hand 4-stroke is goin to be $15+k, plus pod mods probably. That kinda money would go along way to a new smaller boat, with change after the sale of mine. I know what your sayin re-ride/etc, my boat is awesome in the water. I'm sure there'd be a difference, quite a big one, between mine and a smaller one. Ah well, i'll continue to think