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A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!
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Thread: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

  1. #1

    A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    bit of an obscure one for yas......

    im sure many of u as i do enjoy the company of our 4 legged best mate.....and at times this may extend to ventures on the like to take the tacker fishing but theres an obvious problem.....

    what happens when mr furry 4 legged friend wants potty onboard?

    anyone come up with any magical soloutions or ideas out there? being a shepherd i cant just hold mine over the side while he goes sif he were a poodle....

    just thought one of u may have some piece of ingenious im missing that will save the cleanliness of my flooring


  2. #2

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    a litter tray like you might have for a cat at home?????????

    Only thing i can think of. I must admit, the thougth of you hanging over the side while he takes a tinkle or number 2's................what if a noah jumped up and bit his doggy behind...........or worse his crown jewel........hhahahahahahahaha funny but possibly sad outcome........LOL


  3. #3

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    a kittiy litter tray?????

    haah beat me to it

    or one of these

  4. #4

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    How about a small davit on the bow, with a harness attached. You strap the poochy into the harness, swing it out over the wwater, and he hangs there till hes done his duty............. swing him back in and there ya go. Doggy does his business, and you get some home made FREE burley.


  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mr__Bean's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    Sounds like you need to mount a small tree stump out the front or on the back.

    - Darren

  6. #6

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    I hate dogs - please forgive me for saying that a .22 right between the eyes sorts things out beautifully. That's illegal now (I suppose) but judicious use of a 'priest' might get the same, desired result.

    The reason I hate dogs? They bark. Nonstop - at least, around here.

  7. #7

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    Very useful and informative answer mullet.

    I am sure that you just solved the problem.........

    I dislike people because they make stupid remarks , so does that mean I can shoot you, I mean them??????

  8. #8
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    Quote Originally Posted by tigermullet View Post
    I hate dogs - please forgive me for saying that a .22 right between the eyes sorts things out beautifully.

    I would take great joy in returning the favour to yourself
    Last edited by ashh; 04-05-2009 at 02:42 PM. Reason: calling you a dick head was to polite

  9. #9

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    My dog has incontenance, (pisses without control) , when we notice that she has wet the carpet, and you can tell with the smell even when theres 30 + kt winds blowin, we switch on the bilge pump and throw a few buckets of water on it and it's just like she leaked out of the tinny, same when she vomits.
    she's old but we still love her
    so in a nut shell, the bucket does work

  10. #10

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    Quote Originally Posted by nickstock View Post
    Very useful and informative answer mullet.

    I am sure that you just solved the problem.........

    I dislike people because they make stupid remarks , so does that mean I can shoot you, I mean them??????

    I kinda knew that the course on how to win friends and influence people was a waste of my time.

    Sorry but your answer doesn't fit with logic or legality.

    Nor does mine I guess but non pet owners get a tad upset by incessant barking and pet owners who respond by saying, 'That's what dogs do'

    I'll leave things alone now - don't want to hijack the thread.

  11. #11

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    Forgot to add that my feelings about dogs have been altered for the worse after hearing a sad story of financial ruin of an otherwise responsible person who allowed a pathological desire to care for dogs to lead to taking out a mortgage on the family home. There's a life's work down the drain and nothing can be done about it because of a quirk of putting dogs first.

    Nothing to do with the the question starting this thread, of course but it might go some way to explaining my reaction.

  12. #12

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    I'm sure that BIAS sell a POOP deck!!! Boomboom !!

    Sorry had to be done if it wasn't me someone else would have. Usually is me for some reason though?
    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  13. #13

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    Ok all jokes aside here's the solution!

    I've seen them for sale in petstores in brisbane! Should be easy to find

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  14. #14

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    depends what sort of fishing you do, but if you're in the creeks etc, just pull up on the bank and let him do his business.

    bay or offshore, with no bank to pull up on, the bucket of water and pump it a good idea, or you could train him to go on news paper, or in a tray.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member Benno1's Avatar
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    Jun 2008

    Re: A man, his best friend, and a ...bucket??!

    if you dont mind getting up close and personal...a zip lock bag???...stow it...then dont forget to throw it

    Mrs Benno1

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