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Rec fishers done over AGAIN
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Thread: Rec fishers done over AGAIN

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member albey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Angry Rec fishers done over AGAIN

    For those of you who have fished Karumba and wish to again then this is for you-for those of you who said they wouldnt vote for Anna Bligh-but did-then YOU are partly to blame.
    Another three fish fin trawl licences have been issued for the lower gulf allowing 1250 TONNES of fish to be harvesed,BUT GET THIS,40% thats right 40% is allowed to be UNDERSIZE.

    Rec fishers are educated and the laws actually decree that a fish must breed at least once in its life before we are allowed to take it.One law for some yet another for others.

    To those in Karumba whose living is dependant on the 100000 or so visitors a year-mainly for fishing-the writing is on the wall because as fish stocks decline,which they will with this unfair and stupid decision in place,then so will the fishing visitors and the money they also bring.Who is going to travel 9-10 hrs from Townsville,24-25 hrs from Brisbane and for other much more,when they can stay at home and catch nothing there and for a damn sight less.

    The pity of it all is the fact that not much of the commercial catch is actually destined for the local market,most goes o'seas where it gets the best money,we are left to import lower grade fish from overseas-so much for the commercial industry saying they look after our sea food need-prawns yes-fish definately NO,
    but thats another story.
    If you dont care then do nothing,if you do then contact your local member,thats what he's there for,if he hears nothing then he assumes all is OK---BUT ITS BLOODY NOT MATE!!!!

  2. #2

    Re: Rec fishers done over AGAIN

    Your right. It's definitely not right.
    How did the greenies let this one slip by??
    They must be related to Telstra and the like. Only concerned with highly populated areas
    I intend on living far so good

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Rec fishers done over AGAIN

    Hi Albey,

    Just a query I am in Karumba as I type this on a 10 day fishing holiday, I read this last night after returning from a day out and made it my business this morning to speak with a few of the pro fishermen and trawler men here at Karumba in total I spoke with 3 guys off different trawlers and two pro Barra fishermen and none new that they could take undersize fish, they will be looking into it for me today are you sure this is correct. And if so where can I see this in writing to let a few people know up here in karumba what is going on (tourist operators etc).


    The Bomber

  4. #4

    Re: Rec fishers done over AGAIN

    I too would like to see the paperwork from the Gov't with this on it......make a nice story wouldn't you think.

  5. #5

    Re: Rec fishers done over AGAIN

    Cant see this being something they would want let out in the open, I think we need to see some documentation.

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member albey's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    Re: Rec fishers done over AGAIN

    Gday Bomber
    Hows the fishin in Karumba at present.I will be up there end of May for our yearly sojourn.Leave some for us eh!
    My blog is a result of an article in Qld Fishing monthly for March.It was the Karumba section and written by Alan Gurney a well known and respected fishing writer on the local scene.If you see Kerry or Alan Brennan at The Pilots Rest they will point you in the right direction.I ceryainly hope its wrong but have no reason to believe differently in view of who originated it.

    Happy fishin

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member albey's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    Re: Rec fishers done over AGAIN

    Gday again Bomber
    Sorry mate the issue was May not March-sorry bout that

  8. #8

    Re: Rec fishers done over AGAIN

    It is my understanding that there are three permits for the development finfish trawl fishery in the Gulf. The origins of these permits predates the Offshore Constituitional Settlement. They are not licences, they are permits, which means they can not be sold or transferred.

    The fishery is managed through the Queensland Fisheries Joint Authority which involves the Commonwealth, Northern Territory and Queensland governments.

    I have checked with the relevant QDPI&F staff member this afternoon who confirmed that no new permits have been issued in this fishery. This is a good link if you want to check out the management of this fishery.


  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member albey's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    Re: Rec fishers done over AGAIN

    Just wizzin an E mail off to Alan Gurney-the originator of this story to see what he has to say.
    Will get back to you.His E mail is
    attn Alan Gurney if any one else feels like following this up.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member albey's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    Re: Rec fishers done over AGAIN

    Well done Daryl
    So they are permits not licences thats an improvement but the fact remains does it not -40% undersize in 1250 Tonnes permitted.

  11. #11

    Re: Rec fishers done over AGAIN

    There's also additional information in this link which takes you to the annual status reports for the fishery, including the area where the fishery can operate.

    Might be of interest,


  12. #12

    Re: Rec fishers done over AGAIN

    albey, can you have a look through the links Daryl posted up and get back to us with some quotes, facts, paragraphs of info etc.

    Cheers phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Angry Undersize Slaughter

    Have just read an article in the latest QFM mag from Alan Gurney in Karumba and thought there may be someone out there who can please explain.

    "Three non transferable permits have been issued for commercial operators in the Gulf of Carpentaria finfish trawl industry. The permit holder is allowed to catch undersize fish up to 40% of the quota and excludes some species. The total quota is 1250 TONNES. Please help to stop this slaughter. We recreational anglerss do the right thing and then the government hands out mass slaughter permits for undersize fish"

    Is this quota per permit or total for all three?
    Even if it is total for all, 500 Tonnes is a hell of a lot of undersize fish.

    And what are the excluded species? Does this mean they can catch as many as they like of them?

    Are they then allowed to sell them? Cat food maybe?

    I thought net sizes were in force to give undersize fish a chance if nothing else.

    We have no chance if caught with undersize catch and then you read about this crap.

  14. #14

    Re: Undersize Slaughter

    Mate if this is for real, someone wants to make a real big , loud stink about it in the media. Unforgivable !!!!

  15. #15

    Re: Undersize Slaughter

    There is another post on this that contains links from QDI&F and DEWHA on the management of this fishery. You may wish to check those out.

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