For those of you who have fished Karumba and wish to again then this is for you-for those of you who said they wouldnt vote for Anna Bligh-but did-then YOU are partly to blame.
Another three fish fin trawl licences have been issued for the lower gulf allowing 1250 TONNES of fish to be harvesed,BUT GET THIS,40% thats right 40% is allowed to be UNDERSIZE.
Rec fishers are educated and the laws actually decree that a fish must breed at least once in its life before we are allowed to take it.One law for some yet another for others.
To those in Karumba whose living is dependant on the 100000 or so visitors a year-mainly for fishing-the writing is on the wall because as fish stocks decline,which they will with this unfair and stupid decision in place,then so will the fishing visitors and the money they also bring.Who is going to travel 9-10 hrs from Townsville,24-25 hrs from Brisbane and for other much more,when they can stay at home and catch nothing there and for a damn sight less.
The pity of it all is the fact that not much of the commercial catch is actually destined for the local market,most goes o'seas where it gets the best money,we are left to import lower grade fish from overseas-so much for the commercial industry saying they look after our sea food need-prawns yes-fish definately NO,
but thats another story.
If you dont care then do nothing,if you do then contact your local member,thats what he's there for,if he hears nothing then he assumes all is OK---BUT ITS BLOODY NOT MATE!!!!