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Pflueger - Rubbish
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Thread: Pflueger - Rubbish

  1. #1

    Pflueger - Rubbish

    Hi all, well today I decided to check my reel on a Pflueger Contender 15-24Kg overhead rod and the rod tip snapped around 10Cm's down from the tip. I have only had this rod around 6 months and have fished with it on around 10 occasions. Sadly the combo has set me back $200 and it was a birthday present anyway. Just wondering what I should do? Toss it out, or try and get it repaired - The only thing is it will be a bit short and stocky .


    I'll post pictures tomorrow.

    There goes Sharking

  2. #2

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    Take it back if you know where they've bought it from and just ask maybe they can get it on warranty . I have the same rod suited up and it handles the punishment well . The daughter has it on her setup at the moment and she's flogging it out with the best of them
    CALL SIGN : JT OR SC552(social club member)

    There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot

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  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member breamnut's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    pflueger make good gear, more then likely the tip has been damaged somehow, you may not have relised to happen and it may not have been your fault but its extremely rare that rods break due to manufacturing fault even more so glass rods.
    hopefully you get it replaced

  4. #4

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    Tom ..... That sounds like a strange place for such a heavy rod to break - Has it taken a knock at some time ?
    What were you doing when it broke ?

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  5. #5

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    Yeah they got it from Bc and F but Bc and F won't return it as mum doesn't have the reciept. Nah no knocks as I've always carried it in a case with my plastic gear. Only take it out on boats and took it to Tangalooma. Used a few times in the River aswell. But don't think I've knocked it.

    Naggs - I was checking what drag I was using the other day using scales and pop off it goes. Only 4Kg's drag aswell.


  6. #6

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    Definitely sounds like it has taken a knock at some point....that is a strange place for the tip to break....unless someone is doing the 'bend over the thumb as a fulcrum" test. That knock could well have been before it left the worth a call to their agents.


  7. #7

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    Hey Tom,

    You have a great rod there, get it fixed if you can... it wont be as soft on the tim but it will do the job.

    Trust BCF to not help out, we are getting them in Victoria now... I went into a BCF (remain unnamed) to look around as it was a new place, went up to the Fishing section guy and start talking to him, he was nice, but he had NO CLUE about 90% of the fishing gear they had in there... They really hire people in the know down here -.-

    Pflueger dont have toomany problems. I know some guys down there, and that when that rod goes into their stocks to be put out into tackle stores, its doesnt get damaged... The rod will most likely be damaged in postage OR (this happens MOST of the time with breaks/damage) the person unpacking it at the shop damages it taking it out of the tubes/putting it on the floor. Look too BCF for the mistake I think.

    Cheers, Bandit

    Tracker Avalanche V18 DC - 175 EFI Mercury OptiMax
    Quintrex 475 TopEnder - 60 EFI Yamaha 4 Stroke

  8. #8

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    <<<< Double Post >>>>
    Cheers, Bandit

    Tracker Avalanche V18 DC - 175 EFI Mercury OptiMax
    Quintrex 475 TopEnder - 60 EFI Yamaha 4 Stroke

  9. #9

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    Yeah, I'll get picks up as soon as I can find the camera.


  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Nico.d.R's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    bad luck tom .
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  11. #11

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    sounds strange, sounds like it may of taken a bump. if its the rod you used down in shultz that time i think it happend then but can't remember too well. nulucky mate.
    Breaming is my LIFE!!!

  12. #12

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    Yeah was that rod Nic,


  13. #13

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    I would say from what you describe its be hit some where in the SHOP, the trouble with tackle shop of the statures the isle are so thin any joe blow who picks them up for a feel can give it a unintentional hit in that area.... Very unlucky.

    However put on a brave face and go in and realy let them no hpw you feel and espeacialy when their busy they may backflip?

    Badluck mate


  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    Quote Originally Posted by BarraBandit View Post
    Hey Tom,

    You have a great rod there, get it fixed if you can... it wont be as soft on the tim but it will do the job.

    Trust BCF to not help out, we are getting them in Victoria now... I went into a BCF (remain unnamed) to look around as it was a new place, went up to the Fishing section guy and start talking to him, he was nice, but he had NO CLUE about 90% of the fishing gear they had in there... They really hire people in the know down here -.-

    Pflueger dont have toomany problems. I know some guys down there, and that when that rod goes into their stocks to be put out into tackle stores, its doesnt get damaged... The rod will most likely be damaged in postage OR (this happens MOST of the time with breaks/damage) the person unpacking it at the shop damages it taking it out of the tubes/putting it on the floor. Look too BCF for the mistake I think.

    Pfluegers, dont come in Tubes Try Plastic cling wrap lol..

    Id try getting it repaired see what they can do.
    "True Blue"

  15. #15

    Re: Pflueger - Rubbish

    Not too many rods come to the stores packed in tubes these days. Most of them come in a cardboard box, and if your lucky they may have some bubble wrap around them. And when you see the state of the box BEFORE you open cringe and expect the worst. Just a fact of life in this 'throw away' society we live in. Its just really unusual for rod to break in the tip section from normal use....unless it has been previously damaged, or abused.


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