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Thread: squire in the bay

  1. #1

    squire in the bay

    Went out chasing some squire, on shallow reefs around the bay area, armed with 6lb fireline and 6lb leader and sprimp gulps, lots of little stuff around, ended up with two keepers for the frying pan, and only one bust off, gee those squire fight hard on light line it so fun! Cant wait til they start running in. cheers stessco[ATTACH]sum[/ATTACH]

    Attachment 45228

  2. #2

    Re: squire in the bay

    Nice Snapper Stessco. You fish the morning or late arvo? Cheers, Darren

  3. #3

    Re: squire in the bay

    Hey Stesco,
    Thats a nice little feed right there.. good to see. i'm a fan of light gear myself and i'm sure they would have been a blast to play. Were you fishing around mud or something???
    Tight lines..... Snapp.

  4. #4

    Re: squire in the bay

    There certainly a handfull on light string, nice effort.Cheers

  5. #5

    Re: squire in the bay

    Its the shallow water that brings out the fight. Same gear in 60' and its just not the same

    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  6. #6

    Re: squire in the bay

    fishbait, i was fishing the early morning.
    snapps, i was fishing around the redcliffe area

  7. #7

    Re: squire in the bay

    Top effort mate, lets hope this is a sign of a good winter season for these awesome fish. Or at least one that makes up for last year.

    Happy fishing


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