Heads up cast netters. I came accross the bridge this arvo and wondered why there were half a dozen boats hanging around the entrance to the Clontarf ramp, so pulled in for a squiz, seems theres a few greasy's to be had at the moment.
Heads up cast netters. I came accross the bridge this arvo and wondered why there were half a dozen boats hanging around the entrance to the Clontarf ramp, so pulled in for a squiz, seems theres a few greasy's to be had at the moment.
I saw about 30 boats there this morning getting into them. I put the boat in about 3.30 this arvo, got a couple of kg in no time, but like you said greasiesonly a handfull of bananas mixed in with em. My wife says they will be good in a curry, i hate peeling the small ones.
there were 60 boats there at 8am.
i counted them.
i got about 2 kg about 1.oopm.
i will be there at 5 in the morn
there were about half a dozen boats there around 2pm.....watched them from the car park for about 20 mins.....didnt seem to be picking too many out of the nets at that time. Will do another drive by tomorrow and see if its still happening.
greasies with few bananas thrown in.
Went out this morning for 3 bananas, no one seemed to be getting any. There was easily 100 boats there, clontarf ramp was chaos.
Southern bay around Russell has been quite good last few days in the deep water.
not sure how much prawns they we getting this morning but wondering if is worth going out this afternoon
I went out there with over 65 other boats, at one count.
I got 1 prawn.
Spoke to a mate who also was out there, but i didnt see him for all the other boats, and he got a bucket full.
Luck of the draw.
I have never seen clontarf ramp like that.
I got there at 5am this morn.
I was number 5 in the que and the ramp was full.
Once we got out , there was just a procession of boats coming into the car park.
U could have walked from boat to boat.
Ah well bit of exercise with the net.
Ended up with 6 sandies out front.
got a good feed friday morning big bananas, called in with the family after dawn service counted 70 boats , one pair of rednecks in a small tinny boasting 80kgs.
well done idiots
cheers swano
The shags were fishing out the front of shorncliffe today, nearly cleaned up a few. When they shags a that thick their are usually prawns. There were 3 boats casting around 11-12, i reckon the prawn are out there at the moment