View Poll Results: Should we be looking at a different date?

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  • should we look at a different date?

    1 8.33%
  • 10th 11th 12th

    1 8.33%
  • 24th 25th 26th

    11 91.67%
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Thread: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

  1. #1231

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    Quote Originally Posted by stevelcqld View Post
    Steve (Deaf one) + Michelle from Thursday thru till Monday ( Want to catch something this year!!! )
    I have 2 or 3 mates that are also looking at heading up Sat / Sun.

    Bring my camp chair with you :rolleyes:

    Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.
    The Rest is just Wasted!
    To The Shed.............

  2. #1232

    Post Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    Daryl and company 1 to 6? Friday night if not before
    X Hat 2 Friday
    Prinny 2 Friday
    Big Red tba Friday
    NAGG 1? Friday
    Foxie 2 to 4? TBA Saturday?
    Roo & Misses 2 Friday
    Rakey 1 Friday
    Lee Lee 1 Friday
    Whitto 1 Friday
    Robersl 1 Friday
    Callop 1 Friday
    Steve B 1 Friday
    Simon tba Friday
    Stevelcqld 2 TBA
    Tony M 1 TBA
    Obi One

    It's a start

    Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.
    The Rest is just Wasted!
    To The Shed.............

  3. #1233

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    Oops - did I hear my name? (sorry was lost behind that map) :cheesy:

    I'll be doing my best to get to the Somerset Midyear Muster, although will be focussing on getting to the Committee meeting at Mondy as #1 priority for now (I neeeeeed to catch a Barra) :tongue: plus am very much looking forward to catching up with the crew (been a while!)

  4. #1234

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    Sure will, so you have our one...


  5. #1235

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    And we will be arriving Thursday, same place as last year? and any space between the waters edge and the fixed shelter??

    Will be good to see the dam full..


  6. #1236

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyM View Post
    Oops - did I hear my name? (sorry was lost behind that map) :cheesy:

    I'll be doing my best to get to the Somerset Midyear Muster, although will be focussing on getting to the Committee meeting at Mondy as #1 priority for now (I neeeeeed to catch a Barra) :tongue: plus am very much looking forward to catching up with the crew (been a while!)
    Be good to catch up tony foir sure wether it be the muster or the session or the meeting look forward to seeing the new boat

  7. #1237

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    Friday ..... sometime for me & depending on which reprobates hang around (and how good the fishing is ....) will determine how long :undecided:

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  8. #1238

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    port is already packed
    Not to get technical...... but according to Chemistry, ALCOHOL IS A SOLUTION

  9. #1239

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    port is already packed
    Not to get technical...... but according to Chemistry, ALCOHOL IS A SOLUTION

  10. #1240

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    port is already packed
    Not to get technical...... but according to Chemistry, ALCOHOL IS A SOLUTION

  11. #1241

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    port is already packed
    Not to get technical...... but according to Chemistry, ALCOHOL IS A SOLUTION

  12. #1242

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    oops - a slight case of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Not to get technical...... but according to Chemistry, ALCOHOL IS A SOLUTION

  13. #1243

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    Quote Originally Posted by Callop View Post
    port is already packed

    Several times ..... apparently:tongue:
    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  14. #1244

    Red face Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    Quote Originally Posted by Callop View Post
    port is already packed
    So the port is packed, apparently:shocked:

    Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.
    The Rest is just Wasted!
    To The Shed.............

  15. #1245

    Re: SOMERSET SESSION Midyear Muster 25th July

    So anyone bringing the Port?

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