This is their web site
The dates & locations of their comps are in Bushn'Beach & Qld Fishing Monthly
Next one is on the 23/24 May at Somerset
Try 4167 8183 if you're interested
They have a Nth section (Boondooma to Cania) and a Sth section (Boondooma down to the border). Each comp has some good prizes. Towards the end of the year they have a combined Nth & Sth comp at Somerset with a sh#t load of random draw prizes inc a Quinny boat & a Grand Final, maybe Boondooma, also with heaps of great prizes (down to 15th I think).
Costs would be on their web site but I think it's $60 to join, Kids are $10
then only $30 a round (kids $10) with 1/2 going towards the local stocking group.
It's a non proffit series run by guys from stocking groups to have some fun while putting some funds to buying more fingerlings, it's quite social and very laid back.