Took the missus for a quick fish the other day. She landed this beauty soon after anchor so we headed home very happy!!![]()
Took the missus for a quick fish the other day. She landed this beauty soon after anchor so we headed home very happy!!![]()
HUge fish tthere mate, how was it on the tongue?
shit yes, how big did she go?!?
i am yet but longing to catch one of those monsters
what did u get it on? live squid?
Ahhhhh, To be young and Free
Nice fish Mark, did you measure it ? ... foxy
mate the is a big beauty!!!!! Id be framing that photo and sending it strait to the pool room
nice one is an understatement!!!...what a pearler!!!...i didnt think they got that big!!!...what sort of gear were you both using???...thanks for the me something to aim for
Mrs Benno1
It was caught on a live Yakka. Narelle was using top quality gear for this fish, a Daiwa Saltiga 30T with 50 lb braid on a Shimano Jigwrex. It gave her heaps!!
Fingermark are jsut about my favourite fish to catch. at this size they are a real challenge and a handful to catch!!![]()
I reckon it is more like 80cm and 7.5 kg maybe 8kg. Very nice fish.
yeah, looks much bigger than 70cm, mine in my avatar is 76. Narelle's has even lost its spot. Great fish, pushing the 9kg bracket I reckon