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cant regain my MOJO
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Thread: cant regain my MOJO

  1. #1

    cant regain my MOJO

    Speared as a lad for years out of SA. Had a strange swim back with fish one day and got pretty f'n spooked for no apparent reason. a lad got chomped and dead by a white bastard the next week. This is all at Aldinga SA.

    Have since worked the majoriy of my life on boats I(trawlers/charter) and now, in a completely diff industry, am looking at getting back in for a swim.

    I have had the bloody fear in me since the swim back from Aldinga when I was 17. I am now 37. I have never speared since. I loved it.

    I went and bought a Hawian and some fins before our Yamba trip 2 weeks ago.Never went in ....Dirty water......spose i was saved by the shitty weather. I just cant get myself into water above my waist now and it shits me.

    Had a dive/ snorkel up north but cant do it anywhere around here.

    Can anyone reccommend someone to yarn to??

    Cheers Scott

  2. #2
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    Hey Scott, not too helpful, but read my signature! I grew up swimming at the beaches in SA, Aldinga, Normanville, Victor and so on. I'm none to keen any more either, having lost a cousin to a great white, and having been rescued from a sand bar myself with a GW circling the bloody thing on the Yorke Peninsula.

    Use a rod Mate!


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    if you were there with other people i dont think you would have a problem...

  4. #4
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    Yep, team up and if its too dirty go fishing. Went in about 3 metre viz the other day and i get out thinking what are you doing you knob.

  5. #5

    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    Scott you might just need someone to hang with? I have spent lot's hours exploring the drop-off along Bribie passage as a young fella, never saw a shark, also the jetty, whiteside,bridge and surfside on those calm days and even red beach when the run is slow. A hundred hours of spots around bribie.

    IMO wait for winter, the productivity of all the organisms that make up dirty water take a bit of a break then one just needs to watch the wind.

    I too am a little aprehensive, water will need to be clean for the first few attemps.

    cheers fnq

  6. #6
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    Sometimes you just have to take deep breath and do it despite the fear you feel....Adrenalin is not a bad drug really...

  7. #7

    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    Chance favours the prepared, if you are passionate about getting back in the briney, give urself the best chance of surviving a bad situation, shark guard, legstrap with knife and emergency air, dive buddy, ect.Try not to mind ya feelings about getting in the water, its a human thing, primal, you will eventually decide the best thing to do for yourself.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member rando's Avatar
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    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    Ive got the spooks too Scott. Its a long story so I wont recount it here.
    I find it hard to get in the water,because of the fear factor and its getting harder the older i get.
    I tried to break the pattern on a Swains trip, spent 2 hrs in the water with the boat's crew. I felt ok, and enjoyed it.

    Here is an anecdote from my first ever snorkeling experience that first trip I did to Swains

    The crew on the Booby Bird were pretty good spearo's and were very keen to see me have a good experience, they reassured me, and I was confident around them. Despite my overwhelming fear of sharks.
    We went spearing on "Sandshoe reef," a bit north of where that trawler went over in Hamish.

    When I put the pick down, on top of a bommie we were going to dive there., A 7-8ft bronzie swam out from under the ledge.

    I was suited up and ready, and i knew if I waited while the others got their gear on I would chicken out. So in I went. Still cant believe i did it.

    Not being fit, the guys soon left me behind once they got in the water. So i plugged along on my own for awhile . Then I inhaled some water and had to head back to the dinghy to recuperate.

    I had just got my hand on the gunnel, when someone started bellowing SHARK,,, SHARK,,, BRING THE BOAT,,, SHARK!!!!

    Well everything slowed down,,,,, It seemed to take an hour to get in the boat, 20 minutes to get the anchor up and 15 minute to get the motor to kick.
    In reality it was about 2-3 minutes.

    So I go screaming over to this bloke standing hip deep on some coral holding a 4kilo trout above his head.
    And I am SHITTING myself, expecting blood, and a life or death situation.

    ARE YA HURT,! WHERES THE SHARK! QUICK GET IN! I say as i motor up to him.

    He calmly throws the trout in the fish bin , says "Bloody shark was after my fish"!!!


    "No mate its gone, the motor scared it off,
    its cool now,
    but the bastard was gunna take my fish."

    I looked him in the eye, and said .

    " Next time,,, give it the F#$&ing FISH"

    He grinned at me, slid into the water, saying,, I'll go and get another one!!!
    They were ballsy young blokes Ill give them that,
    but ballsy
    I thought you might enjoy that little yarn

    The next trip, I went over the side for a swim with the two blokes i was fishing with.
    Maybe not having a weapon between us was the difference, but it felt really weird, and i couldn't wait to get out of the water.

    I would love to give it another go but its, hard to find really clear water except , out deep.

    I will be reading this spearing board with interest, thanks to those responsible for getting it up and running.

    Insideout has it.... shark guard,!!! I dont know how much they are but they are reported to work really well..... buckle on your mojo and away you go
    Last edited by rando; 24-04-2009 at 10:20 AM. Reason: add a thought.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Silver Member Gilli's Avatar
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    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    Mate im the same as all of yous, only been once, i cant wait to go again but fark me, just b4 i jumped in i was staring at the water trying to work up the balls to actually take the leap lol.

    Once i was in and had a bit of a scout around i was a little bit more settled but still waiting for something to jump out at me.


    Most sports require one ball..... Fishing requires two

    4M tinnie with 25hp johnson
    Call ova for a chat if you see me out on the water

  10. #10

    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    Quote Originally Posted by rando View Post

    " Next time,,, give it the F#$&ing FISH"
    If you start feeding the sharks they get trained up on the sound of the gun and they will hassle divers more because they learn that they can get an easy feed. I dive areas around where I live and you can tell when people have been feeding the sharks The more you dive with sharks you get to learn their behaviours and you can tell when they are getting aggressive. Bronzies always seem aggressive because of the way they swim in and then quickly retreat. Different sharks - different behaviours.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member rando's Avatar
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    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    Yeah Boney
    Those blokes were spearing in very sharky places all the time. They said the sharks would hassle you in hopes they would freak, and jettison the fish.
    Their response was to hold the fish close, so the shark cant get to it, and be real aggressive, "dominant fish behavior".

    Having said that, Jason, the cook( he is a black bloke) came in the next day white as a sheet.
    Two bronzies he did not even know were there, came out of nowhere at warpspeed and they both" bumped" him one on either side then disappeared.
    He dumped his gun ,fish,float, and bolted for the boat.
    I don't blame him.
    Its the one you cant see, is the worry.IMO

  12. #12
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    I have a shark sheild and it gave me the shits. Getting zapped in the water then forgetting to turn it off and getting zapped getting into the boat. I dont wear it anymore and dont really miss it until diving really dirty water. The more relaxed you are the better you dive.

  13. #13

    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    Reel scream, find a spearing buddy and work as a pair.
    Safety in numbers, I don't know, but I do know having a 'buddy' in the water makes for greater comfort and confidence and a much more relaxed frame of mind.
    Also, start slowly and work up. No need to start out bluewater hunting yft out of a burley some bream, whiting, tailor or mulloway, all of which can be caught very close inshore.
    Hang out for good conditions and perfect visability, these will add immensely to your enjoyment of the situation.
    Best of luck mate, I'm sure you'll regain your confidence.
    Great comment from Boney-Leg re sharks and their behaviour.
    Must say tho', SA spearing in WP country would surely be more than enough to put the fear up this NSW spearos' back!

  14. #14
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    Quote Originally Posted by nigelr View Post
    Reel scream, find a spearing buddy and work as a pair.
    Safety in numbers, I don't know, but I do know having a 'buddy' in the water makes for greater comfort and confidence and a much more relaxed frame of mind.
    Yeah and it also reduces your chance of being attacked by 50%..

  15. #15

    Re: cant regain my MOJO

    Agree about GW's - not sure I would enjoy diving SA but to dispell some myths check this

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