Well I headed out on a solo run last Friday and once again fished only plastics and came home with a good feed. Was going to put up a report however silly me charges the camera battery up the night before the trip and takes the camera out without the battery in it. A bit hard to take photos to put in a report without them so I didn't bother. Anyway I caught enough to feed me fish fillets for three nights in a row and the plastic that did the damage on the day was the Gulp 3" "Natural" shrimp on a 2/0 hook 1/16th Jighead. Was one of my best trips out. Next time I should remember to put the battery in the camera. DOH!
He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.
well at least ya remembered to put the plastics in the boat!!!! LOL
That's funny, I don't remember seeing any plastics " guru's" saying you don't catch fish with bait at Mud, certainly wasn't me, in fact the last whip tail I caught on a plastic turned into a fresh slab of bait to attract a nice moses perch once the sun had gone down and plastics were too slow for my liking. I don't have any "ISM" to confess about plastics......