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Thanks for everyones input, Ive been talking to my mechanic, also long time family friend, and had a beer with him last night about it all and I've made a decision.
due mainly because im still only reletivly young (22 next month) and my mind changes all the time, ive decided im going to go with something cheap and only spend sort of half the money ive obtained for my car.
In the similar body shape, i prefered the patrol, u can fold everything down and take it camping etc, without the need of a tent, but money money money. So im gunna take the Toyota way and find myself a cheap 4Runner, and they are cheap as chips. looking around 6000 for a 94-95 model, full optioned etc. they come with the 3L V6 and ive been told they are a fairly good engine. i can fold down the back seats for a bed if i need enough room in the back for gear and high enough ground clearance in stock form. This way if i get bored again in another year and a bit, same thing that happened with my rexy, i wont have chucked all my money into something that im not gunna make anything out of, this way ill still have 5-6 sitting around to start on the next part.
Benefits of only buying this car: doesnt matter if it gets buggered, cheap, doesnt matter if it gets sand in it, cheap, and i dont have to be as anal cleaning it when i chuck it on the beach. Ive decided to do this alot due to the fact i cant see myself doing massive 4x4ing, just a nice simple 4x4 to get me where i need to be.
Anyway, thats my thoughts, tell me whether im thinking sensibly here, im pretty sure i am. but hey, you never know!?