Lindsay Fry fitted Lencos (his recommendation) to my Vagabond and they go into the Vag very well. No hydraulics just wire and simple easy tap adjusment to get the boat running level in all conditions. He also suggested the indicator lights were not necessary and again he was right as you feel it quickly and easily.
Have you got foils on your motors?
I fitted them to both of mine too well before the tabs and they also helped to lift the tail which helps economy too. By doing one at a time I got a better idea of what was helping and how much.
What props did you end up with?
Cannot help with the fuel monitor as I still go by ear with the motors up as far as I can get them which with the lencos is a long way as the lenco tabs, and bennets for that matter add to boat hull length which is what you want.
I regularly check my fuel burn /hr and it seems pretty reasonable for old tech 115HP s No doubt I would use less with new Etecs but I would lose the old motors tollerance to old fuel and water and metho and they havnt done their 2000hrs yet anyway.
IMPO the others you are talking about will cost you economy and speed due to the drag they cause. Refer to Peter Webster F& B write up and the impact they had on his current boat that he has on the market at present.
Also even with no down trim on the Lencos the boat gains rear lift and the motors do not need to be trimmed in as hard for hole shot for skiiing or bar work.
PS Forgot to ask how high are the motors lifted on your Vag as up seems to be what they love.
NB where mine are