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Thread: Pew Charitable Trusts

  1. #1

    Pew Charitable Trusts

    As you know these guys are behind the Coral Sea proposed closure: others have in the past made reference to their antics, time for a timely reminder folks

    Here is a link, have a look at their shareholding/investments, what they really stand for, a cynic would say that they might be pushing a green agenda to take the eyes of what they really are about? OIL? used to be, but its really about driving their agenda to set themselfs up for the next era of energy...

    As they always say,,, follow the money, just follow the money

    Also background info:

    Summary: The Pew Charitable Trustsrecently became a public charity. The change in legal status will enable themulti-billion dollar foundation to takean even more active role in advocatingsweeping policies to combat the allegedglobal warming threat. These policies,such as carbon taxes, would entail wrench-ing changes in the American people’s standard of living.

    The Philadelphia-based Pew Chari-table Trusts is one of the nation’s largestand most influential philanthropic founda-tions. The Pew Charitable Trusts are actu-ally an interlocking set of seven trustsestablished by the children of turn-of-the-century oil baron Joseph N. Pew, and stew-arded by the family’s private investmentbank, the Glenmede Trust Company, whichis the trustee of the seven charitable trusts.

    Glenmede manages $14 billion of total Pewfamily wealth, about $4 billion of whichbelongs to the Pew Charitable Trusts.The first Pew Trust, the Pew MemorialTrust, was established in 1948. In 2002, theseven trusts reported $3,753,638,080 inassets and total giving of $238,534,822.

    The charitable programs are managed separately from Glenmede, which has its own CEO and is referred to as “the bank.” Thecharitable trusts are led by President and CEO Rebecca Rimel. Pew Charitable Trustshas a professional staff of 144 and a publicaffairs staff of ten. By contrast, the entirestaff of the Annenberg Foundation, whichhas an endowment comparable to Pew’s, consists of nine employees.

    Pew’s staff isoverseen by a 15-member board of direc-tors; about half are Pew family members.Pew has been a leading donor to en-vironmental groups for nearly two de-cades. Its Environment Program, directedby Joshua S. Reichert, gave 31 grants in2002 totaling $39,493,500—the program’senvironmental giving has averaged morethan $30 million annually for a decade.Since 1990, Pew Charitable Trusts hasgiven over $300 million to more than 100environmental groups

    For a light read go to

    The article looks at its agenda and who is driving it... its to shut down America etc from using fossil fuels, who runs Pew? major American interests and some are from the Oil Baron days driving their own agenda ... the cynic in me would say to control the new energy sources in the decades to they did the old fossil fuels.

    , the major drivers are Pew, Rockefeller and Mac Arthur foundations that argue against fossil fuels. Also joining are the Hewlett and Packer Foundations and together they have about 23Billion in combined assets..
    Tangles KFC

  2. #2

    Re: Pew Charitable Trusts

    No wonder I feel like goliath is hanging over me when I am doing my best against this where did I put that slingshot and rock?

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