Last Comp Time To Start Thinking About The Biggest Whiting ( $ 3000 ) Whos In
Last Comp Time To Start Thinking About The Biggest Whiting ( $ 3000 ) Whos In
Live Whiting ( 3000 )come On Boys Whos Keen
I think you will find a thread in Going Fishing Meet and Greet with some people going mate!
if you are going to tow a boat, talk to someone first up there. Just came back last week from 2 weeks up there. Just north of happy valley the rocks are exposed, never in all my years seen them there. Caused a lot of damage to cars and trailers. Big boat will have no chance to cross them. One coming back from Orchard tried, took it back to orchard and went home. He was going back to pick it up in a month or so when the beach improves after the damage from the cyclone.
good luck
Thanks For The Info
Hakuna,a mate got a 7m platey up there last weekend.It did take planning,a lot of work and effort so I am told i wasnt there.He did say It was a lot of hard work and took al lot of hard work.they carried bags to make sand bags to help on obstacles and a lot of shovelling and picking of lines for the boat.(See pics in the meet and greet thread).
Cheers Craig
If you always do what you've always done
You'll always get what you've always got
Catfishkid, good to see, it was more of a warning for those who did not realize what is is like and turn up with no planning. Hate to see damaged boats.
where is the meet and greet section, like to see photos
I am heading to fraser tomorrow for a week. I will take notes of the beach conditions and will take photos. Back next Friday, so stay tuned
No problem mate.Here is a link to the page
Cheers Craig
If you always do what you've always done
You'll always get what you've always got
Nil photo yet, but the drive from hook point to happy valley was ok. Hook point right on low tide no dramas. Poyungun rocks are well and truly exposed, southern side is passable, northern side a little more bumpy than normal but still ok. I would recommend taking the inland track to happy valley if you have a boat, as it is a bit rugged from poyungun to happey valley, but certainly do-able. I am probably heading to indian head tomorrow, so stay tuned..