Hey Trueblue,
Thought I might jump in before the mutual pussy admiration society takes it to the next level of petting
For an unbiased opinion ask someone who has both - like a pro.
Stan Young at Wooli has both - a big friggin cat and a big friggin mono.
Have a guess at what he takes when it gets proper messy, or when he's called out to do a rescue.
Cats are great at some things, but they aren't the bee's knees for everything, and as my learned friend sea rash puts it - there comes a time when the ocean reaches a certain sea state, that the very traits cat owners find endearing start to become a liability. eg carrying maximum bouyancy at the beams.
One of my worst days at sea was on that stupid cougar out of 1770 during a bit of a low. It wasn't that bad a day - it was just made all the more worse by a pigrooting cat that was always on two different waves trying to do two different things.
I'd be happy enough to own one - but they aren't as great as some here think they might be.