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Thread: Toorbul Bream today

  1. #1

    Toorbul Bream today

    Took out my Scottish firend Calem today to show him how to catch bream. Whoops - the bait shop has no mullett - oh well, chicken gut it is then. Went out by 8:30am - fished the high until 11:30am. Only 7 keepers - I did promise him tea tonight so didn't let him down. Talk about rain, I even had to turn my bildge pump on to shurn out the water from my boat it was raining that heavy - back at work tommorrow after a weeks break so that's my last day for a while. Cheers, Darren

  2. #2

    Re: Toorbul Bream today

    Nice haul!

  3. #3

    Re: Toorbul Bream today

    Good one mate, hope the scotsman got a couple !!

  4. #4

    Re: Toorbul Bream today

    Quote Originally Posted by hooknose View Post
    Good one mate, hope the scotsman got a couple !!
    Can you believe this - he caught the lot except one. My rods and my good tips though. Cheers, Darren

  5. #5

    Re: Toorbul Bream today

    was up at gallagers on sunday morning fishbait. stayed untill this morning couldn,t beleive the rain we had. it was better to be out fishin than sitting in front of the tv all easter,eh! a lot of under sized bream around. total for the week-end 8/ 25cm bream; 2sole; 1estuary cod and 1 mud crab.

  6. #6

    Re: Toorbul Bream today

    I know Geeffa - it rained that hard all the time I was there I turned my bildge pump on for a while to get some water out of the stern before we left. There were a few undersize bream around - however, I only like to keep my bream bream from 28cm upwards if we're desperate, if we're catchin them, min limit for me is 30cm! Nice goin on the cod - I wish I could catch more of them too, Cheers, Darren.

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