I said my goal was to have the new Yalta ready for Easter so my family and I could have a fun filled 4 days getting aquainted with our new baby.
Trip one was an overnighter in Tiger Mullet channel in the Pin.
We found our own little parking lot, and even though there were hundreds of other boats dotting the night horizon with anchor lights, we found our own slice of heaven.
There was an occasional mosquito, both the winged variety and the jetskis zooming past, but they were considerate enough to stay well clear of the moored boats.
By midday the next day, i suggested it was time to go home - the complaints from th girls at the suggestion clearly showed how successful our overnighter was.
Today, Brad ( for Steve) and I tried to catch a feed for the dinner plate. The rain stayed away, the boat ate up the sloppy conditions at Mud, and the fish we took home were a 40cm snap and flounder to me, a 38cm snap and a nice 35cm grassie for Brad.
Mate, you can drive the boat any time, the icing on the cake was to have a deckie who knows how to jump in behind the wheel and give captain Scalem a break from skipper duties.
Looks like my fish cheated someone out of a feed recently, the hook is still lodged in the mouth.