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sailfish 5 mtr 2003 - Page 2
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Thread: sailfish 5 mtr 2003

  1. #16

    Re: sailfish 5 mtr 2003

    no pics yet dean, but owner says no wavebraker on the boat and says its 5.2, could it be pre 1990?????

  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member kitty_cat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: sailfish 5 mtr 2003

    should still have wave peirsier mate but i will find out and let you know or call rafe at springwood marine he will give you the right information

  3. #18

    Re: sailfish 5 mtr 2003

    I do believe all the very early Kcats had no "wave breaker" but it was introduced to the 5.2 before the others.

  4. #19
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: sailfish 5 mtr 2003

    I have owned a 5.2 kevlacat, 5.5 sailfish and 6 meter sailfish and they all have been awsome boats. Each boat was an improvement as they got bigger. My current 6m has got as much cockpit fishing space as my dads offshore 2400 but has a smaller cabin. Heaps more room than both the other 2 boats as you would expect. It also is a fair bit quicker in rough and flat water than a 5.2 Kevlacat (have done plenty of 2 boat trips with Shikaree with its previous owner before Ian). But I would be happy owning all 3 boats again and love cats. I have also done a few trips in a noosa cat 5m sportsman and they are also an excellent sea boat. Only negative would be a bit of a droopy noise at idle in sloppy seas and pretty low sides. PS "Get Reel" is for sale.

  5. #20

    Re: sailfish 5 mtr 2003

    hey perko, nice rig, if i had the extra coin at the moment, i would def consider !! But i have capped myself to 45 - 50g this time around and its a bad price range to try to get a later mod cat, but i will keep persisting..thanks for ya imput tho, its good to hear from sailfish owners about their rigs. What sort of fuel figures r u getting from ya current boat?

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