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Newbie needs some tips, plz help
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Thread: Newbie needs some tips, plz help

  1. #1

    Newbie needs some tips, plz help

    Hey guys i found myself in Anoconda today and found myself a cheap fly outfit so out of the sprit of the moment i bought it as ive always wanted to learn how to flyfish. I need some basic tips on how to flyfish so any help is apprieciated.

    Ive seen the fly fisho tackle place near kawana on the sunnycoast, do they teach people how to fly fish? and do they sell flies there cause i go up to borumba every now and then and would love to catch a toga someday.

    all help appreicated

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member coola's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Newbie needs some tips, plz help

    Hi scoocer 101. The sunnycoast has a great flyfishing club, this is possilby your best option we have club fishing days, couple of comps a year and three members who are certified fly casting instructors as well as fly tieing, plenty of other info.
    Also see Gav at tienfly will give you the best amount of information and teach you all the basics

  3. #3

    Re: Newbie needs some tips, plz help

    when i learnt to fly fish i got the video called lefty kreh great video taught me how to cast and some extra tecnequies.and handy hints

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Newbie needs some tips, plz help

    Mate the guys name is Gavin Platz he would be one of the 2 top flyfishers in Australia
    He had a bloke working in the shop calld Rod if yo ring him he will only be to happy to help. I have jsut got into fly fishing and got sonmme lessons there
    there phone is 54440611 It is called Tie & Fly

  5. #5

    Re: Newbie needs some tips, plz help

    Hi Scoocer
    I wish you all the luck with your new fly rod, the advise the guys gave you is very sound. learn the right way first. Like any thing you can pick up the no how as you go along, how ever you can all so pick up some bad habits as well. And they can be hard to get rid of, I no because I went down that road some years ago. As time passes you will pick things up on your own and will develop your own stile. I have fly fished for many years now and I am still learning, I guess we never stop, It is an art form and as such, worth learning.

    ps I have a post (THE REASONS WE FLY FISH) for me that tells it all.


  6. #6

    Re: Newbie needs some tips, plz help

    Dont spend anymore money

    Join a club that has free flycasting days or free tuition.

    Go out on a few trips with them and only buy more stuff when you finally know what you really need.

    Otherwise you'll end up with a cupboard full of stuff you'll never use.

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