Looking at sellin my beloved troopy and getting a v6 4l dual cab hilux as a replacement. Anyone got one. Thughts feedback much appreciated. Budget allows for maybe o5 or o6 model.
Looking at sellin my beloved troopy and getting a v6 4l dual cab hilux as a replacement. Anyone got one. Thughts feedback much appreciated. Budget allows for maybe o5 or o6 model.
Mods please lock this thread until the author gets over the temporary loss of his freakin mind.![]()
Jewienewie - I don't know you, I don't know your circumstances or your motivations, but on the face of it some would say your mad mate.
Apart from that - they're quick enough, comfortable enough and use enough. If you constantly carry load (tools etc)., they'll keep you poor.
There are better bargains around though in that market for the same build quality.
Couldn't agree more. Super thirsty once loaded up. At least go the diesel. Not as quick off the line but much kinder to your wallet. A loaded petrol lux is a thirsty one.
You are entitled to my opinion!
i own a diesel and i would nevc\er go back to petrol. if you just wanna cruise around and look cool then the 4L are pretty sweet. they go pretty good
my mate has one the best fuel per 100km he has got is 16ltrs...he doesnt carry anything in it at all..bloody thirsty alright...is worse when towing....towed my boat a 6.1mtr plateyt from capalaba to maloolaba and back used a full tank of fuel.....
cheers rosco
Jewie Jewie Jewie
well well well
you idiot
keep on a good thing![]()
I had the 06 Hilux for 3 years aand couldn't get away from it quick enough, it cured all my imaginations of shiny new soft cars. It was a heap of shiite but nice to drive on the tar without a load
I sold it and bought a 20yo Nissan Pootroland love it
did you fix the death wobbles in the troopy?
cheers Murf
I had an 08 V6 Hilux as a hire car a few weeks back and was shocked to find it used more fuel than my V8 Landrover Discovery when towing the boat!
I had expected it to be quite a bit better on fuel, but have to agree with the earlier comments
The boys beat me to it. They are a quite quick car but you would be better off with the 3.0L TD. They go fine mate heaps more nuts than the old ones and are great on fuel when loaded compared the the V6.
Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.
Mate I'd have to agree with all of the above related comments, I've owned both a petrol and diesel hilux and would never buy another V6 lux, the petrol is insane on its fuel usage and the diesel performs better and far more economical under load. The new diesel engines are a lot quicker than they used to be which makes then a lot more driver friendly.
GBC - your a crack up mate.![]()
Have a mate with a 4L V6 in the Prado and that thing is pretty thirsty as well.
Well, not what i expected but very grate ful for the comments. My reasoning for the hilux was at the moment i have a 4.5l petrol troopy and yes despite being thirsty, i love the power when fully underload and still being able to overtake comfortably at higher speeds.
I wanted to come down in size as for comfort of my wife driving around town, but didnt want t lose to much in the way of power, Bottom and top end.
I thought thaqt the hilux being 4l but lighter than the troopy I wouldnt lose much powere but it SHOULDNT uses as much fuel.
I go away once a year for extended camping trips and the location requires every little bit of powere i have to get there especially when fully loaded and pulling a boat as well. I am definately a toyota man and cant be swayed to a nissan, sorry to offend anyone just personal pereference.
What else can you guys suggest.
Murf - yeah finaly got rid of them thank god. Ended up being a combo of little things. Put in new steering dampner, new shocks all round, felt better but still happened every so often. Took it to specialist they called themselves. They looked but couldnt see a fault anywhere, gave it a proper wheel allingnment, balance tyre rotation and adjusted airpressure and gook as gold. Whish i new that before replacing a few things that probably didnt need to. Oh well.
not too sure if the petrol Hilux is any worse on fuel to any of the other equivelent models, if you are comparing to a little buzz box 4 cyclinder (say like the workmate) they may be, but compared to a V6 Rodeo or Nissan there would be half of bugger all difference! (I don't own one by the way)
OH and the V6 Prado is the same engine, so you would expect the economy to be the same!
Actually the last run rodeo and the new colorado got the commodore v6 engine - finally- and now have better grunt and heaps better economy than the old rodeo v6.
We have a 2wd hi-rise v6 in the fleet that is returning better figures than my 4wd diesel!!
I am talking 10's and 11's around town.
I have no idea how that stacks up against the other competitors, but we have been pretty amazed - considering we switched to diesel to get better economy.![]()
I owned both the deisel and petrol lux dual cabs, as for general driving duties, they get between 13-16l/100k but they are thirsty when towing or heavily laiden.
all 4wd hilux up to 08 had a clutch issue from the factory from grease getting sprayed onto it from excessive grease to the throw out bearing from factory.
around town the petrol is miles ahead of the diesel in every catagory apart from fuel consumption.
the diesel is very driveable but on the same smoothness or NVH of euro diesel.
and it is a crime for how much it cost over and above the petrol.
I'm in a diesel ATM
Humility is not a weather condition.