look at it this way ChevyJ..what do you do for a living....OH OH you can do it but just not there so we can have a playground there.
look at it this way ChevyJ..what do you do for a living....OH OH you can do it but just not there so we can have a playground there.
OK, so you want the trawl guys out of the river for the exclusive use of rec guys - will you pay for such exclusivity? It is unreasonable for people just to expect the government to buy these guys out so you can have a better fishing area? Certainly, if there was a green zone placed on this stretch of water then there may be an obligation on the government to offer a SAP, but a green zone stops us rec guys as well. So, if exclusive fishing rights is what you seek, then you should expect to pay for it to allow the commercial blokes to be paid out as they have lost their right to fish there - the Pine River fishing licence! User pays. Same goes for everyone who wants commercial beach netters out - Moreton beach fishing licence, Bribie beach fishing licence, etc Don't know how I feel about opening up this can of worms with the EPA as once started where would they stop. Having an all encompassing rec fishing licence is another option, but that may be tough on those that never go beach fishing or fish in rivers to be paying for someone elses benefit.
Hey guys, It was a dig at the comment about cars. We pay for everything anyway. I am all for green zones, but the right kind of green zones. We will go around in circles, but IMO I would like to see them gone out of the river. I don't care what people think but that is my opinion (as it is the trawler opinion to go there). I want to be able to catch fish and I want my kids and their kids to catch fish with out having to pay for a bigger boat to go out deeper. (I don't have the money to do so). So why not have it so that trawlers can't go in rivers. their boats are bigger than mine and I don't get money for my catch to buy a bigger boat ( I am not saying that they are not doing it hard or making loads of money). Its not like I want them to go 100km out. JUST NOT THE RIVERS. anyway I am just stating my opinion on a subject that's on a public forum that is MY OPINION ONLY and it means nothing and the laws say they can so they can. That's all
Sorry mate and happy easter but get a life. It is 2009 not 1996 (or whatever).
Things change and usually for the better in a lot of fronts.
How many farmers do you see driving around on a tractor sucking in the dust - NONE they have air conditioned cabins.
How many carpenters do you see using a hammer, nail and hand saw yto build a house - NONE.
How many cab drivers drive a car without power steering/air con - NONE.
How many guys trim their edges along the driveway and path with one of those wheel type trimmers - NONE
How many guys use a push mower instead of a petrol driven mower - Minimal or NONE.
How many drive with a beer on the dash these days (aka 1970) - NONE
How many row a boat to go fishing these days - Minimal or NONE
You are probably typing this on something sitting on your lap - not taking up the space of you bedroom as it did 20 yrs ago.
Mate things and life change and generally for the better - so should these dinosaurs.
have a look at this
"light gear big fish big fun"
Get your point but fair dinkum, trawlers stay away from reef like a rash. Too much money in gear down there to deliberately destroy it. Bit emotive in any case cause I don't think there's much of a reef system in the Pine.
Having said that, I do totally understand that trawling isn't a healthy fishing method for any sea/river floor, especially sea grass in the bay. Its a difficult one because for many its a livelihood. Maybe the present regs will prove to be a good half way measure.
Far Side,
mate, I know you mean well, and although I do agree that trawlers damage the eco system, so does the indiscriminate chucking of cast nets, so we need to get things into perspective. Try a snorkel around the landing stage on shorncliffe jetty and then move further away and you will see what I am taking about. Think of how many recos anchor over any reef in this area on a good day and think about the damage their picks do to that environment.
That vid is clearly doctored, and as dezzer has pointed out, no self respecting trawlerman would drop a net anywhere near reef.
This may sound like defense of trawling but those who have been here a few years will know of the research that I conducted some while ago, and my campaign to close down trawling in estuaries and rivers (nurseries), so I am in no way siding with pro fishing.
I do though, believe that they deserve a fair crack of the whip, and the publication of the kind of propaganda spewed out by the likes of those who published that vid, is not a fair crack of the whip. When it is clearly seen by others to be a distortion of where trawl nets are used, then that does nothing to help the cause of limiting trawling, indeed, it serves merely to show those who campaign against it as being dishonest and therefore not to be listened to.
If we are to fight a cause, then we have to do it justly and fairly, and not be hijacked (or indeed hijack them) by those who later, will turn on the rec sector also.
See my breeder fish photography here: https://kevindickinsonfineartphot.sm...opical-Fish-2/
Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.
[quote=kingtin;1000472]Far Side,
"mate, I know you mean well, and although I do agree that trawlers damage the eco system, so does the indiscriminate chucking of cast nets, so we need to get things into perspective. "
Kev like most people with a bit of common sence I can see through the green propaganda and this vid was a bit extreme.
However what got me was the camera watching the net go across the bottom
there was just nothing that could escape
This is probably the normal operational of trawl netting but it really makes you think about how destructive trawling is to the fish and general bay enviroment. The by catch must be astounding and if there is a little then the disturbance even to a sandy bottom must be pretty extensive making anything that lives in that area pretty distressed.
"light gear big fish big fun"
Awesome vid farside least people can see how these bloody nets work!! Wats wrong wit people protecting these wreckers off the ocean and rivers far out.
Rec anglers would go no where near wat trawlers do every damn time there nets are out we would not even go close to doing the damage they do in 1 trawl than wat all the recos would in a year!!!
I have been out on a trawler when i was young thought it would be a cool experience how wrong could i be.. The amount of poor little fish and other animals that were brought up dead made me feel ashamed and pretty sad how one boat and its owners could make money out of destroying the ocean like this is just disgusting..They our just rapists... of the ocean!!!
They need to get out and get real jobs that earn money and get off the gear.We went to flick a few plastics around the trawlers and to my disgust for fun they throw over heaps of the dead undersize fish and were catching bream than would start hitting them wit hammers just for fun!
Hey kingtin, what was the outcome of your campaign against the trawlers?
Having grown up on the Pine River as my playground as a child I can state how much it has changed over the years. If you ask me the most evident thing that happened to the Pine was open river sand and gravel dredging that operated from the early 70's through to about the mid 90's. It very dramatically changed the environment and completely changed forever the normal flows of the rivers. It is a lot deeper in places yes, but is that really as it should be or even of any benefit to the river?
In the Pine River and in the North Pine just up from the junction there were a series of very deep holes in the order of up to 60 feet deep that occurred naturally (some of the older guys amongst us should remember and know where they are or were). I recently visited one of the holes with the intention of fishing soft plastics in the bottom (about 30-35 feet deep ten years ago) and found there to be no hole remaining whatsoever. It is now about 8-10 feet deep. Siltation has filled it to that extent.
Siltation from where? The North Pine Dam is being heavily silted up along its western shores easily evident when viewing from the Cemetary at Sampsonvale. The dam wall is quite close to Petrie so none of the siltation from the dams would be entering the system. However there is a huge amount of development in the area below the dam wall down to the freeway bridges that permits all runoff to flow into the Pine River. The slightest bit of runoff sees the river turn reddy brown and it remains that way for the best part of a month before it begins to appear slightly green again.
For a hole some 30 metres long and ten metres wide and 6 metres deep to dissappear in a ten year timeframe due to siltation is beyond any damages a trawler can do to this river in the small area they have to use.
The days as I had in my childhood on the river being able to visit a deep hole in a clean river watching the trawlers run past and catch myself a 20lb jew from the holes with some sort of regularity are well and truly a thing of the past. Our environment has changed massively in many ways, yet the biggest danger to this river is development in its catchment and we flourish in its great value of its close proximity to the CBD of Bisbane and its reasonable affordability to reside there compared to other close by areas.
We can all go out and hang every trawler guy in the state from the nearest high tree to save our environment from thier damages, yet we comfortably and conveniently overlook our wish to live close to the river and fill it with the muck and residue from our estates, roads and industries and developments.
Where does the solution to the overall problem lay?
About seven or eight years ago, myself and a few of my mates were smashing the flathead in Hayes inlet, we were trolling lures and getting 30- 40 in a few hours, we did this for about 4 weekends in a row. Then the following weekend we could not get a single fish. On our way back up river we stopped in at Bears boat hire, John the owner asked how we went? When we told him we could not catch anything where we had previously done so well, he informed us that the trawlers had been up there through the week on the king tides. We were p%ssed off, to say the least.
If you want to know anything about how trawling impacts on an estuary/bay/lake system.....ask the locals in some of the systems in NSW where they have banned/bought back all the licences. It is now actually posible to catch a feed of fish again...in line with bag limits of course.
PS..I also know when the trawlers have been working the seagrass beds in the bay......there is this thick carpet of bright green ribbon weed all along the high tide mark on the foreshores of Scarborough, Redccliffe and Margate. But we cant use that as evidence cos we didnt see them do it.
well, ..........................................early morning fish when I was fourteen,many moons ago! pulled up...... me and my staffy ......rigged up, trawler went through! little dead prawns catties , whiting, Flathead all floating to the surface ......... got my bat and ball and went home! These creek systems are the life-blood of the bay and should not be trawled. Just my opinion. happy Easter it`s been a big day but I couldn`t not say my bit. Cheers Andrew.
yes this was the pine,