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Thread: Bay weather at Green Weekend

  1. #1

    Bay weather at Green Weekend

    Had the ol alarm set for 4 am on saturday for a quiet fish at green only to have my house smashed with gusts of wind and constant rain so i turned over at about 5 am and turned the alarm of as i would like to fish for longer than saturday as i don't know if i would have survived the wind gust we had at welly. Oh well so i tryed sundat at 4 and it was a lot better even though they said 6 notts and it was a good 10 to 12 nosst up to around lunch. Pulled in heaps of undersized squire and a fe sweety's for a feed and this little critter i think is a bullrout. After i got him in the boat he was not amused at all and gav me a death stare. Still a good out for flicking. Cheers all

  2. #2

    Re: Bay weather at Green Weekend

    Mate that is the meanest, ugliest, freaky thing I have ever seen. Nice work on the sweeties. I had a look around Green on Saturday and because I have never fished there before didn't no where to start, which side do you fish and around how deep.

  3. #3

    Re: Bay weather at Green Weekend

    Good work on getting a few Sweeties mate! I cant' wait untill I can hit the reefs out the front of Reddy again

    That pic isn't a bullrout mate, I have caught plenty of them in the castnet. I think its some kind of Frogfish but can't find any pics for you I am sure someone will find a link though


  4. #4

    Re: Bay weather at Green Weekend

    a face only a mother could love
    figjam :wink:

  5. #5

    Re: Bay weather at Green Weekend

    I'm with BrandonH I have always known them as frog fish as well, most everyone knows what you are talking about when you call them that anyways My memory sucks but they might also be called ghoul fish?

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