is others thinking the same, last few days seems ausfish is getting slow to load pages, feels like dial up, or is it my laptop
is others thinking the same, last few days seems ausfish is getting slow to load pages, feels like dial up, or is it my laptop
Get a Macbook
I am not having any problems
Tight lines <*)(((((((((><
shit, must be my end again, just had a IT guy here a few days ago, charged me like a wounded bull and now the pewer is slow
Is it just Ausfish that is slow????
some days yes. whether its from home or my work puter[ and thats damned fast for the rest of its work]
My mate on the same deal with Telstra(ADSL) can view videos as they are downloaded but I have to wait for the video to catch up. Question is ... if it's my computer what can I do make it faster. I hope it's the same answer Wahoo is looking for?
This might help you
Steve Brown
Do Not Feed The Trolls
Head to and download their system cleaner, try it it's a goodie, everything from Comodo is above board...not on the gravy train.
cheers fnq
Daz try here:
cheers fnq
At the bottom of this page
Or direct at
Steve Brown
Do Not Feed The Trolls
thanks Scott and Steve, just ran it, seems to be better now
1- First thing to do is check and see if its only happening on ausfish. Go to a trusted site like, and download any file from the download centre like IE8 (just Save it, NOT Run it). If you have a 500 account with your ISP (the lowest ADSL), then your download window should tell you that you are downloading at 50 kb/s or atsomewhere above 40 kbs. If you have a 1500 account speed like me, then it downloads between 130-150 kb/s. OK, so then we know the problem is NOT with Telstra or our ISP and lag.
2- Next likely culprit is the browser. If you really prefer IE, then at least check for updates and run the most current browser. If that doesnt work, then try downloading another browser, like Firefox. That fixes 99% of problems.
3- If youve still got a problem on a second browser, then its time to look at cleaning your computer for conflicting extensions, spyware and other junk. Try a free bot cleaner, like Spybot.
4- get a Mac.........