PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 knot experiment
Slow day today do as I was sitting in the shed I thought I'd experiment a bit. I usually tie a bimini or plait double in braid mainline and then a fluouro leader. I wondered how strong a uni knot would be for a quick remedy when the braid double breaks and is no longer a double.
Anyway, I tried doubling over the braid and making a uni knot connection for the join, that is uni knot in both, and found it to be as tight as... well, really strong, and can't get them to slip.
Question is, why bother with the bimini or plaid double at all? Does anybody use a uni to uni connection with braid with any success?
I am sure that the knot books will tell you that it is not as strong, but the uni to uni knot works really well and is dead easy to tie on a rocking boat.
Doubling the braid does not make it much more difficult but I read recently that it doesnt really enhance the strength of the knot. Looks like you should when there is a big difference in the diameters though.
Certainly faster and I reckon you might find yourself tying less doubles now
Cheers mate
Another thing, as I just tried this yet again.... If you tie a double in the braid, then an Albright Knot to the leader, you have to double the leader over and tie the doubled braid loop to the mono right? Well after you have done that you have to trim it off, which means trimming off the loop, so you don't have a double anymore anyway.
Obviously here there is something I don't get, which is why tie the double to get a loop which you then cut off? If I tie the albright the other way with the larger mono to the braid loop I just made, they never hold, hence my experimenting.
I know there are easy ways around htis with crimps and swivels and stuff but I like knots and things and will never rest unless I know how to get this right!
Hey Wilcara,
I use uni to uni a lot and have never had a problem but like what Mick said i dont fish for marlin. The only time i double the braid over is when using a leader that is a lot heavier than my mainline. Also i just got to have a fish with Stonecold and watched him tie a double in my mainline and then tied the double with a uni to uni to the leader, in record time as well. It really showed me i have a lot to learn watching him. The mainline was 25lb mono and the leader 60lb mono.
We still had a lenght of double after the leader was joined but i do get your point. One advantage i can see is to get a decent uni knot in the 25lb mainline. It is fairly fine in diameter compared to the 60lb leader and tied as a single may pull through the 60lb. I will ask Stonecold next time we head out. In the end though his experience is may more than mine so i will follow his lead. Perhaps some one else can fill you and me in.
Yeh i cant even do those knots and see them as too much trouble unless i was going to use wind on leaders, to me not worth the time in doing thne to cut tem off. Stonecolds knot was a lot easier. It took him about 15 secs to do. Not sure what the knot is called that he did but a damn lot easier than the others. Next time i head out with him i will ask what the knot is called. Double unis have always done me fine though land based or offshore bottom bashing.
I've always been told to tie a double in braid, and done this before I go out. Trouble is the first time I drop it it usually gets bitten off by a toothy and doesn't come home again, and I get seasick by the time I have tied another one. I even tried taking spare spools so I could replace easily then began losing these too to the toothies. This is what lead to todays experimentation with something easier.
I did find that tying unis seemed to work as long as the entire mono uni was also over the doubled over braid; that is not just double on the braid uni but inside the mono uni also. To me this is going to be exactly what is there if you did tie a bimini then do this and trim the loop off.
I found the f.g.knot works best for me takes a little longer to tie but comes out like a wind on leader. Treid tying the p.r.bobbin knot with an empty plastic thread spool and came out a treat but you have to carry the bobbin holder with you.Also only wrap the line around the bobbin holder twice as any more and the tension is to tight to spin properly. these knots come out like wind on 's.they use these for jigging through to GT fishing. Various demo"s can be found on you tube.
Hi Wilcara,
Let's say the Uni is around a 70 - 80% knot when tied well.If you are using a 10lb main line with a Uni in it,Ya go down to say an 8lb breaking point.
If a true Bimini Twist (With no half hitches and a proper Rizzuto finish) is tied well,It is stated to be a 100% knot.Really it's a knot that's not a knot.....
Now that you have doubled the end of the mainline without weakening it by creating either a Bimini or Plait (Both 100% doubles),You have two strands of 10lb to tie to the leader.
If you choose the Uni as listed,Two knots will now be tied due to the double,And will (In theory) give us 16lb of strength at this knot.This is well above the single unknoted main line strenght of 10lb,And well above the results of the single 10lb mainline to leader connection with a Uni that will crack at around 8lb.If the double is tied well,And both Unis (Double to leader,And leader to double) are also well,You should now be fishing the full main line strength of 10lb.
The above paragraph/theory is an example,And was explained to me long ago.The theory,And the percentages I use for breaking strains are examples.They are not numbers to live by.
I myself doubt that when a Bimini in 10lb is connected to the leader via an Opposed Uni,It will make 16lb .I reckon it be more like 12-14lb.But as long as it's higer than the strength of the single main line the objective is achieved.Which is :- To retain 100% of the mainline strenght,And not lose any strength through tying knots.
It is true that when an Opposed Uni is used to connect leader to a double,The loop of the double is severed as the tags are trimmed.But this is irrelivant as you have achieved the objective by creating the two strand (Double knot strength) connection,Curtiousy of the double.The loop is not required by the Uni to be effective,And can therefore be disscarded.
There are however a few knots that require the loop to remain in tact though.One that comes to mind,And goes by several names,Can be refered to as either :- The Ducknose,The Braid Leader Knot,Or The Tony Jones Leader Knot.All the same knot,Just different names.Good one to learn,With a good breaking strain,And quite compact.I think this may be the knot Deepfried is refering to that takes about 15 seconds.
I must mention I used the Opposed Uni for years,With a Bimini to a single strand leader,Early in my career without a single failure.It is an easy reliable knot.When forced to break my connections on unretrievable snags,And also in testing,It was always either the single strand main line that let go first,And occassionaly the leader would part (Due to suspected combat abrasion).But never at the knots.
I then got a bad case of knot fever .......Researching,Learning,Practicing,And testing.I began using a Bimini with a Ducknose connecting my leader,In my pursuit of the ultimate connection.It too was a very good knot for me over several seasons of use.But my thirst for knowlege was unquenched,And still I kept looking.Again I moved on.Now it's Twisted leaders,Bionic Binds and a Perfection Loop.I have been using the last system scince the 06 season,Without knot failure.......But still I am looking.
I still use the Opposed Uni here and there to this day.....Even with a single main to a single strand leader,It's a great connection to know.
The Uni will be the first knot I teach my baby girl .......Can't wait.
Hope I've been of some help. Regards. B8.
The underlying spirit of angling,Is that the skill of the angler,Is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish,And that the latter is entitled to an even chance for his life. Regards, Hardb8.Kickin tails and razin scales since 1979.