I do not own or have access to a " Bragg Mat ", nor do I intend to aquire one.
I have a tradies tape measure and is MY tool of choice. You see, it is made of mild steel and will not SHRINK, unlike the mat which has a possibility of shrinkage, therefore allowing an ANGLER to BRAGG when they in fact might be counting their chickens.
Measure how you will, a photo is good enough for me and your word is also good enough.
We'll stick to Trout for now.......
if you keep using big words like that, especially around Tranter, you'll find yourself banished to " murfs " naughty corner. He's been there and it is a lonely place.

Taken up your idea and now have enough gear under the bunks to supply a small kitchen, just for those overnighters. Fresh emperor fillets....mmmm
I now have a NEW live bait pump installed.......... yes another #######in one. I have no idea why they keep failing. I am going to contact Rule in the USA and pose some questions to them. No need to guess. but I know it is NOT electrical issues.
Cheers Phill ><> ><> ><> ><> ><>