Hey Steve
I hope you have a few university degree's under your belt and are a barrister because finding and learning all the rules in diff parts of QLD is a challenge at the very least

and finding a way to identify a fish with good colour pics is another challenge.
good local knowledge is the best

I have thrown heaps of great fish back over the side because I couldn't quickly ID them. Then back at the ramp you see someone cleaning some smaller versions of what you have been throwing back all day haha
the amount of people that have bought back a feed of leather jackets only to be told they are trigger fish and laughing with them as they try to cut them up
now is the gold spot cod diff to the gold spot wrasse?
red ears
yellow tails (not the bait type)
cods of all sorts that can only be positively identified by gill raker counts and spine counts
my advise is make sure you know what your not allowed to keep or eat
have fun
cheers Murf