This weeks Bayside Bulliten.
Just sign it and post it off.
Have a read.
2nd from the bottom left side.
Section 4 right side.
This weeks Bayside Bulliten.
Just sign it and post it off.
Have a read.
2nd from the bottom left side.
Section 4 right side.
Last edited by mod5; 26-03-2009 at 07:21 PM.
My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.
Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.
Big problem mate,
These guys actually believe that they have a position to take. Anna will listen.
I guess the shortage of sharks argument has some value, I saw the news tonight and saw heaps. Poor pilchards are in decline next month apparently.
yeah, it sort of sounds bad at first but i think their slant is more at the effect that the extra population will have on what's here now. either way they're kidding themselves if they think they're going to change anything, the government wants growth to keep the economy moving and that's just the way it is.
To me the BIGGEST issue is with the point they make:
More competition for already expensive housing...
Basic Economics here again, folks. If we limit housing growth, we will still have people moving here.
- Prices will go further up (and substantially), and so will rents.
- People at the bottom of the heap income wise will be forced out, onto the street or out of the region.
- Brisbane will become a rich ghetto.
- Services will suffer, because we won't have enough "working class".
- Unemployment will reach an all time low.
- Business growth will reach an all time low (lack of new staff).
- Business opportunity will improve (comparably) elsewhere, and the good people will leave.
- Brisbane will go bust.
Long timeframe, but that's the reality.
I say ph&ck the koalas. There are plenty elsewhere. These people think koalas have more rights than we do. How long before they advocate State sponsored sterilisation after you've had one child?
Thankfully printed submissions hold very little weight - it's individually penned letters and phone calls that make the difference. Write to your local member to say that stuff like this should be ignored, or better still, the authors should be peeled and rolled in salt, as an example to all the other Pinko twits out there.
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
the only solution...anyone that has been in Qld less than 5 years can pack their bags and leave...go back where you came have brought too many bad influences with you...I had never heard of so many green groups until all these migrants moved here..the buggers have been dragged along with them..time to deport back interstate and STAY THERE..leave us alone to be the hicks and laughing stock and be 10 years behind everyone else...I much prefer it that way.
I intend on living far so good
so pinhead, ya reckon they should bring back the gate at the tweed hey
The tickgate (as it was known as) was my dad responsibility to maintain as he was a builder for the NSW Department of Ag. Some how he used to have to do a lot of work there around holiday time so we spent many a school holiday there when I was a whipper snapper of a kid.
We had a little 6' boat with some oars and we thought we were king muck.
Good times
So the gates were to keep the QLDer's out of NSW not the other way around
I intend on living far so good
Geez...Hang on...1999, 2000, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.....Phew !!!! Snuck in !!!!
Yeah, I'm with you, Bugger em !! Send em all back !!!! Qld for Qld'ers !!!
The torchlight parade starts a 6.....Storm the Castle ........Burn it down..........
............I'm sorry, where was I ??.........................Time for medicine......
Why stop at 5 years Pinhead.
Lets make it if you were not born here, or better yet if your parents were not born in Qld.
We have that many mexicans and imports running around they have changed our culture.
People say to me , you have a funny accent mate where are you from?
I go "from Queensland" this is how people here sounded up until about 20 years ago.
I like being a hick too, I might have to retire to Hervey Bay where I wont stand out.
This is a fishing it not?
You guys have to realise the govt wants to jamm as many people in as they can to fuel growth, even with rising unemployment they will still have 100k plus migrant workers entering the country as well as 200k plus permanent migrants, truth is they will do anything not to deflate the housing bubble even though history says it will deflate and needs to deflate..