some new locations / tactics - but hopefully a fish or several
Now..... come on Chris, that should be several fish each, each session fished
We must be positive mate
some new locations / tactics - but hopefully a fish or several
Now..... come on Chris, that should be several fish each, each session fished
We must be positive mate
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
A number of years ago while fishing at Faust in real tiger country i lost a couple of hundred dollars worth of lures.
No bloody 2 kilo line either, timber so thick you could not get a boat through it to chase fish, if you didn't try to play hardball with the fish, thats get them up and keep them jumping you just lost the fish to the timber.
Sure there were many fish lost through throwing lures back at you or just cutting you off with the gill plates, awesome stuff, it replays through my mind every night.
Anyway, i found that i was out of my choice of lures and although Lindsay Dobe had a good stock of lures there was always some that i could not replace while away.
Answer, go with a good selection of the lures of my choice, enter a tackle store, buy 4 of that 4 of that etc. of course a standard barra lure is not that small and takes a bit of room to store.
AAAAhhhh GGGGGeeeee''''''''ssss now ya let the cat out of the bag Brian.......You know whats going to happen don't ya They will have the best Barra trip ever now...I can just see it.....I can just see the headlines "Three blokes in a Skeeter have a Barra blinder one in particular with a HUGH Tackle Box"
Good Mates....Good Food.....Good Fishing....Priceless
well i went to church today since i can not make it next weekend and prayed for 30-40 se winds and blinding rains,
Lucky buggers but being the hethan that i m i just know my prayers will not be answered good luck guys
Sounds like you might need it John - gimme a yell if you want to borrow Daisy and I'll bring her up
I've been having fun today trying to sort out all my GPS marks, have been meaning to collate them all and rename etc so they make some sense for years.
Tommorow is the time for me to get all the lures out of their boxes, trays, buckets, bags, etc. and lay them all out and try and get some semblance of order happening (been putting that off for a while too)
I still have to get the boat put back together too! I've stripped it out to get to know her a bit better. Geez I better get cracking or I might have to fish out of Daisy!
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
You're an ideas man Chris!
Hmm I wonder how much a Whatsamajiggy Lure in Chartreuse would be worth up the back of the dam if you lost your last one? Might have to have a chat to Foxy about setting up Foxies floating Havoc? (probably get $20 a can for "Toughen up princess" too)
Why dont you buggers just fill the daisy up with all the bloody lures, between you we could drag the whole of B bay in one swoop... just think we would get fish , rods , reels, Navi and Vinnie!
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
ah hows this rain im over t rain 3 week holiday and its rain most of it got to lov that not OH well better go to my mothers for dinner