Hey Nath, will give it a shot bud, would rather be up there with u mob but hey I will make the best of what I have to do, ya never know, something different. Check with Deano about May.
Hey Nath, will give it a shot bud, would rather be up there with u mob but hey I will make the best of what I have to do, ya never know, something different. Check with Deano about May.
Thats what I thought Nath, and whilst its sou east, at least its been a constant sou east for a while now.
Im thinking your thinking what Im thinking
Pete, Im with Nath, you go hard on those feral introduced noxious trout thingeys brother, think I read some where they are in the same family as the carp???
im hoping i will be there around the same time if not earlier then dean on friday
if all things go to plan
Hey Chris,
How did your salt and pepper squid turn out???
My slab of Redcliffe snapper was bloody beautiful
One question, how many cartons of xxxx will fit in your boat?????
God put me on earth to accomplisha certain number of things,right now i am so far behindi will never die.
Salt & pepper squid was very noice ......... washed down with a bottle of Oyster bay sav blanc
To answer your question on how many cartons of xxxx fit in my boat Thats a trick question - - None!!!! ........ But the esky holds around 30 cans of beer or 24 long necks.
Oh & I can get another carton into the insulated live well
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
I think someone got the measures wrong! According to BOM the water level increased by 1.4m yesterday morning without any significant rainfall in the last week!
Perhaps that rapid fall over the last three weeks has been overstated and has now been corrected. I hope so!