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Thread: Goodbye Coral Sea

  1. #16
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    Do any of you think all this government over-management of our resources will cause a pseudo recreational "black market" rec- fishery?

    I know that for myself and every other fisho I know, dont begrudge marine park management, but when its managed incorrectly(a belief held by the majority i feel) do you think your average fisho is going to one day rebel against the rules and fish marine parks anyway? 99% of fisherman are all for conservation and correctly managed bag limits, but im not sure many agree with locking areas off?

    I know this already happens in FNQ alot. They turned 80% of the accessible fishing areas for blokes in tinny's up north into green zones. I know a few blokes who sneak into pink/green zones, change boat numbers etc to get a fish. As there aren't that many options left in certain spots now. Im not saying its right, but it happens. The amount of fish one can bring back is so small you wouldn't know they were there.

    I wonder if it will start to happen down here if they lock more places up? you wont get sea patrols out at the coral sea, I'd imagine. And if you can afford to fish out there the $1000 fine wouldn't phase you. split between 3-4 blokes its almost worth it......

    I can just imagine charter boats adding in a "Green Zone fine Fee" to their

  2. #17

    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    I had to laugh, just reading the submission letter on the AMCS website

    Dear Mr Garrett,

    Protecting the Coral Sea

    Australia's Coral Sea is unique. It contains abundant large wildlife and extensive healthy coral reefs. Yet the vast majority of this area is unprotected. The Coral Sea is under pressure from tuna and billfish long-lining, and from potential growth in charter and recreational fishing.

    Despite sharks declining rapidly around the world, they are caught as 'bycatch' in the Coral Sea's tuna and billfish fishery. The carcasses are brought to shore and then finned. The fins are then exported to Asia, because to Australia's shame, we are actually servicing the international trade in shark fin.

    A large 'no-take' heritage park in the Coral Sea would protect our disappearing sharks as well as our threatened turtles and migratory seabirds that are also caught by the long-line hooks.

    A large 'no-take' heritage park would also honour Australia's military history and all those who lost their lives in the Battle of the Coral Sea.

    A large 'no-take' heritage park in the Coral Sea would comprise about one million square kilometers and would be the largest park - across land and sea - in the world. Situated next to the Great Barrier Reef, it would make an unparalleled contribution to national and global marine conservation. I believe we can achieve this as a nation.

    It is ultimately up to you and our Prime Minister to determine whether Australia can create this heritage park. I implore you to treat the Coral Sea as the great marine icon it is, and to protect it now, for current and future generations.

    Yours Sincerely,

    I have to wonder about the diminishing shark argument, not sure that has any merit of late, especially if anyone has been wathcing the news!

  3. #18
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    Quote Originally Posted by Flex View Post
    Do any of you think all this government over-management of our resources will cause a pseudo recreational "black market" rec- fishery?


    I believe it will. It's about good Laws and bad Laws - good ones are usually easy to enforce, bad ones are there as a challenge for many...

    There will be negatives. The more people who chose to flout the Law, the more illegal fishing there will be in places that are protected and maybe should be.

    How many folks will fish Hendersons or Flat Rock at night, with the radar switched on? "Stow the rods, fellas, there's a boat 5 miles away". (I'm not claiming these should be protected, just using them as an example.)

    Civil Disobedience is often the outcome of ridiculous Laws. I hope I never see the day when Peter Garrett is strung up by an angry mob, but the way things are going...


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  4. #19

    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    I can bet the Diggers would be pissed off if they knew their lives were used to promote a greenie cause.

    "A large 'no-take' heritage park would also honour Australia's military history and all those who lost their lives in the Battle of the Coral Sea."

    Personally, I am disgusted to read that line.


  5. #20

    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    The australian government struggles to prevent illegal fishing in our northern waters quoting not enough ships and planes
    How do they think that extending out the zones with inadequate patrol sources is going to be achievable.
    Its just another Krudd smoke and mirrors "we drew some lines on the map look at what great enviromentalists we are"
    "light gear big fish big fun"

  6. #21
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Ryan View Post
    I can bet the Diggers would be pissed off if they knew their lives were used to promote a greenie cause.

    "A large 'no-take' heritage park would also honour Australia's military history and all those who lost their lives in the Battle of the Coral Sea."

    Personally, I am disgusted to read that line.

    Indeed it would be interesting to hear the RSL's opinion of this one. Those men did NOT lay their lives on the line so that leftist policy with no scientific basis could be forced on the common man.

    FAR FROM IT!!! This is getting close to what they fought against.


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  7. #22

    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    Might ask them for an opinion and point out who is using the diggers name for political gains......


  8. #23

    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    Worth taking a look at this: compliments of our freinds from ECOfishers:;image

  9. #24
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealAndy View Post
    Worth taking a look at this: compliments of our freinds from ECOfishers:;image

    At least we know where its coming from. It looks like this mob are fairly powerful.


  10. #25
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    Actually the more I think about this the more my blood boils.

    How dare they be using the memory of MY Uncles, MY Grandfather, MY Father, to proclaim a Marine Park of absolutely no significance to them whatsoever?

    Several of my lot fought in New Guinea and surrounds, in the air and on the ground. Several of them were fishos, too! My Godmother's twin Brother won a DFC defending Darwin as a Fighter Pilot, and flew in the Coral Sea.

    I actually think if they were around now they would up guns and chase down these morons. This is the worst kind of cynical, leftist claptrap and IT MUST BE STOPPED!!!

    Of course SOBA is on it, Ecofishers NSW are sniffing around it, but YOU MUST ALL WRITE TO YOUR REPS AND SENATORS!!! PLEASE!!!

    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  11. #26

    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    No offence guys, but from where I am sitting it looks like like we have a hidden agenda. I too had a grandfather who fought for our freedom, but I think a fishing lobby group complaining about a marine conservation group, sounds like we have double standards. I know this is clearly not the case, but I think it should be left at that. It has been bought to the attention of the RSL and now its time to step back and let them deal with it.

  12. #27
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealAndy View Post
    No offence guys, but from where I am sitting it looks like like we have a hidden agenda. I too had a grandfather who fought for our freedom, but I think a fishing lobby group complaining about a marine conservation group, sounds like we have double standards. I know this is clearly not the case, but I think it should be left at that. It has been bought to the attention of the RSL and now its time to step back and let them deal with it.
    Of course we have an agenda, so do they. The gloves are off, and we cannot stand back and cop something we think is offensive because we might look this way or that. Stuff 'em, they started this rubbish, they have no scruples, they will do anything. We are not going to win by taking the high ground.

    They have no scientific basis for this, and that is the line we must take. But if the opportunity comes along to play another card, like the Military one, I'm playing with the full deck - and not taking prisoners...

    I have already written to local papers, and to various MP's and Senators. I hope lots of others are doing the same!


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  13. #28

    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    Quote Originally Posted by TimiBoy View Post
    Of course we have an agenda, so do they. The gloves are off, and we cannot stand back and cop something we think is offensive because we might look this way or that. Stuff 'em, they started this rubbish, they have no scruples, they will do anything. We are not going to win by taking the high ground.

    They have no scientific basis for this, and that is the line we must take. But if the opportunity comes along to play another card, like the Military one, I'm playing with the full deck - and not taking prisoners...

    I have already written to local papers, and to various MP's and Senators. I hope lots of others are doing the same!


    Not suggesting we dont fight, but I think using the diggers as an argument is in poor form. Lets not stoop to their level.

  14. #29
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    I agree...using the military idea is a load of much Nationalistic dribble keeps getting trotted out every time someone mentions the military.

  15. #30

    Re: Goodbye Coral Sea

    The diggers issue is one for the RSL to fight but like everything in the world these days, unless you make a bit of noise to them (and others) about the disdain for it, nothing gets done. Just look at the amount of whinging that happens about TV shows to get an idea of how that works.

    I am going to give collating the science against this closure a crack over the weekend so we have a tangible side to the argument too. Let you know once it has been done.


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