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Borumba Bash Visit
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Thread: Borumba Bash Visit

  1. #1

    Borumba Bash Visit

    Darren(Fishbait) rang me on Friday to see if I wanted to go for a quick trip to Borumba to meet some of the guys who were staying in the camping grounds.

    With the oil slick and big swells off Cape Moreton it wasn't hard to decide, so Darren, His son Brenton and I left at 04:30 with the 4.55 Quinny in tow.

    We arrived at Borumba at 6:50am and we were in and fishing by 07:00am. (Gentlemen's hours.

    It didn't take long before Darren was onto a MASSIVE Toga but it had shrunk down to just over 40cms by the time we landed it. Darren's first, Biggest and PB.

    The fish just seemed to be everywhere but I did have a lot of trouble getting them into the boat and after loosing about 6 or 7 I finally landed my very first Saratoga... Hoo Bloody rah.

    Not to be outdone. Brenton soon followed the trend by calmly saying " I'm on"

    We left the dam about 2:00pm and called in to say hello to a great mob of blokes and one very game young lady. She would have to be going out with those larrikins. We thought we had best be going when the Goannas started racing through the dining area guided by a few of the boys.

    I have never seen people run so fast.

    Great trip Darren. I really enjoyed the day.

    Frank OO

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member TonyM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    Was great to meet you guys Frank. Love your photos, wish I could take them that well!

    Give me a yell next time you're in the bay and you're welcome to drop in for a coffee and chat anytime.

    I think Kim's got the boys figured out - we're all very easy to tame once her incredible Rocky Road gets broken out Even better when it's washed down with a mug of Darryls perked coffee.

    Yes the Goanna roaring through the camp kitchen sure did get a bunch of tired fishos mobile in a hurry, boy was that thing riled up!


  3. #3

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    Great pics Frankoo, noice to met ya mate.
    Allways a good trip when you dont have to go home and flush the motor or wash the boat hey


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    May 2007

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    hey brian good times had i gather by all hope ya didint eeat my bit of rockyroad
    was foxie and stevb there as well i thought i would of heard yas from here

  5. #5

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    Sounds like a great day out! good work.
    I Fish, I catch, I SNAG

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Fishbait's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    Great day folks - nice to catch up with you all - and Franko- thanks for a great day mate on the water - that dam is so beautiful - I'm heading back again for sure. Cheers, Darren

  7. #7

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    Nice to meet you fellas, great pics too mate, good to see you all got a fish and enjoyed the sweetwater truly a magic spot is Borumba.

    Cheers Nath

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    Yeah Good to catch up with you Frank, Darren and young Brenton....some nice fish there! great action netting shot!!

    They certainly are slippery little buggers.....I tried to convince Kim that she could put her fingers in their mouths like barra for the pics.....she didnt fall for it

    Cheers Steve

  9. #9

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    Well done gents. Congrats on firsts for you all. Well done Brenton on getting the longest Toga for the day.

    Cheers Scott

  10. #10

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishbait View Post
    - that dam is so beautiful - I'm heading back again for sure. Cheers, Darren
    It is a bloody nice spot hey Darren. Fished it a bit 8/9 years ago. Plenty of yellows but only the one Toga for me at 65cm.

    Cheers Scott

  11. #11

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    Some nice fish and scenery there, Borumba sure is a pretty place! Thanks for the post.

    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member bdowdy's Avatar
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    Oct 2005

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    great shots ,like the toga in the water..magic

  13. #13

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    Great trip nice to meet all, nath i hear you went swimming on sunday mate,


  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member themissus's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    Cheers Frank, it's been a while since I've been called young or a lady!! You have some great toga shots, love the shot in the water. Good to see you all got on to one. It's such a pretty dam we'll be back for sure. There was no way I was hanging around to who's leg that goanna was going to run up
    Cheers Kim.
    Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
    'Oh Shit.....she's awake'

  15. #15

    Re: Borumba Bash Visit

    Hi Tony,
    It was great to meet and talk to you as long as I remained up wind. I am sure that we will all see plenty of fantastic photos of you in your new boat. What a fantastic bargain. The boat will allow you to get almost anywhere you want to go.

    Hi Brian,
    I have heard so much about the Legendary BR65 so it was good to put a face to the name. I must agree that all of the boats looked in pristine condition with shiny trailers and no rust spots, but I haven’t had the opportunity to eat one of those Barramundi or Saratoga yet. I might stick to the Snapper.
    You are a true Hero because Ben told me so. You have gone out of your way to take the time to show Ben how to catch his illusive Mangrove Jack. That makes you one of those very special people. Thanks mate!!! Ben is now talking about going out after Jewies.......
    That is a perfect photo. Absolutely beautiful and it captures the true look of the dam.
    I will get you down for some real fish as soon as the weather improves and when the beaches are restored to their original condition. Who knows we may even be able to dangle 1 line in a green zone by then. I knew Kim was a smart girl when I saw her so it was no surprise to me when she handled the Toga with care. I am not sure why she agreed to get in the boat with you though. I should have spoken more seriously to you about your boat. It would have been a great buy for $15,000 including a new paint job.
    Steve, Did you take your tent home or did you just leave it there for the CONVIENIENCE of the other campers.
    To all the other Borumba Bashers,
    It looked like you all had a great time and hope to see you all again soon. Thanks for the kind words and Scotty.. (Reel Scream) You missed a great day.

    Frank OO

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