Darren(Fishbait) rang me on Friday to see if I wanted to go for a quick trip to Borumba to meet some of the guys who were staying in the camping grounds.
With the oil slick and big swells off Cape Moreton it wasn't hard to decide, so Darren, His son Brenton and I left at 04:30 with the 4.55 Quinny in tow.
We arrived at Borumba at 6:50am and we were in and fishing by 07:00am. (Gentlemen's hours.
It didn't take long before Darren was onto a MASSIVE Toga but it had shrunk down to just over 40cms by the time we landed it. Darren's first, Biggest and PB.
The fish just seemed to be everywhere but I did have a lot of trouble getting them into the boat and after loosing about 6 or 7 I finally landed my very first Saratoga... Hoo Bloody rah.
Not to be outdone. Brenton soon followed the trend by calmly saying " I'm on"
We left the dam about 2:00pm and called in to say hello to a great mob of blokes and one very game young lady. She would have to be going out with those larrikins. We thought we had best be going when the Goannas started racing through the dining area guided by a few of the boys.
I have never seen people run so fast.
Great trip Darren. I really enjoyed the day.
Frank OO