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internet providers
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Thread: internet providers

  1. #1

    internet providers

    atm i,m trying to find a provider that will give me what i want ie a service that i pay for.Me ,like a few friends and family have been with chariot now for a damn long time but since selling out to TPG the service we get is to say the least pure shit. they cut your speed till you ring up and complain, theycant speak english[indian call centre], it just goes on , and quite frankly i,m over it. so my question is 1 who do you use
    2 have you bundled your home ph together with your net, and do you now have a net ph
    3 and is there a time limit on your net ph
    4 what kind of limit for downloads
    i,m sure i,ll think of more questions

  2. #2
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: internet providers

    am with bigpond..on cable..comes in via the Foxtel cable...downloads and time etc unlimited..I leave it connected all the time.

  3. #3

    Re: internet providers

    i have tried bigpond and had a lot of fights with them over billing, then was with aapt no contract check there site for what it costs i just signed with dodo for 2 yrs thinking it may be a mistake but get line rental for $25, 105gb 1500 speed, for $40 up to a maximum $69 a month a month if over download limit but only 5 g in peak time 1pm to 1am then 100g 1 am tp 12.59 pm anf pre paid mobile calls for $20 a month with $130 worth of calls and was given a 8 mega pixel samsung camera as part of th deal time will tell but still a bit cheaper than aapt.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: internet providers

    I just pay a fixed amount every month with bigpond therefore no problems over billing.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Jan 2005

    Re: internet providers

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    I just pay a fixed amount every month with bigpond therefore no problems over billing.
    I'm the same ,on cable and so far no problems .
    Cheers Tezza

  6. #6

    Re: internet providers

    I have been with Optusnet for a while now. Did the home phone / internet deal.

    I have moved and now run Cable Internet as I was on ADSL before.

    Cable is cheaper and faster and I will never reach my allowable download limit. I don't download music / vidoes / software etc.

    Westnet have good deals as do most ISP's.

    Maybe just hunt around on the net ??

    Further, when I ring optusnet.... I get an Aussie.

    I would not get into a long term contract though. 12 months at most.

    Cheers Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  7. #7

    Re: internet providers

    I got the same as you phil.

    Optusnet bundled net.home phome package. Cant complain so far as to service, and YES you get an aussie when you ring.

    As you say though, i am also only on 12 months package


  8. #8

    Re: internet providers

    Have a look at Whirlpool, heaps of discussion forums on each provider and ratings, etc.

    I use small puddle cable, too lazy to change. Would not recommend them to anyone.

    Steve Brown

    Do Not Feed The Trolls

  9. #9

    Re: internet providers

    I am with aapt as a package for all phone line stuff, no good complaints so far and a very stable and constant speed connection, which ever since 1996 is a first for me.

    cheers fnq

  10. #10
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: internet providers

    Quote Originally Posted by robersl View Post
    i just signed with dodo for 2 yrs thinking it may be a mistake
    Yeah we had untold problems with Dodo..we run an internet business and initially used some stage we changed to a competitor and despite having no contract with Dodo they continued to direct debit us despite Ohhh sooo many phone calls to make them stop....went on for almost a year...what was happening was that we were continually transferred to an answering service when we asked to them to stop billing us...and of course there was no-one there to remove us from there system...absolute criminal behavior IMO...our worst internet experience ever and I'd never do business with them again...


  11. #11
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Oct 2007

    Re: internet providers

    I have Bigpond Cable. We have issues from time to time, but why change? They are all bastards. Same with Banks. Find one, stick with them. It's convenient not changing, and they are all the same.

    At least with Telstra I have reception at Square Patch. Wait - do I really want that???


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  12. #12

    Re: internet providers

    Im with 3,i use a little usb key I plug into the laptop and take it where I want.
    It costs $29 a month for 3gig and no contract.
    I didnt want a contract and this was the best deal I could find at the time.

    Cheers Craig
    If you always do what you've always done
    You'll always get what you've always got

  13. #13

    Re: internet providers

    Out of interest, what is it that pisses you off when you need to call your ISP?
    Is it the time you waste, can't understand them or lack of person touch?

    Would you prefer someone else liase with them on your behalf to resolve the issue inc trouble shooting on the pc itself for a set fee?
    Gold Coast

  14. #14

    Re: internet providers

    I have used bigpond and optus, but they are too expensive. Had home phone bundled with optus years ago but got the shits with always getting the 'no lines available' when dialing out. Home phone is now with telstra, expensive but no one can better it considering I never use it. Internet with TPG and I have used them for about 7-8 years now, only problem I have had is when credit card expired and the cut service without ringing me or emailing me.

    And for wireless, I have bought 3 mobile wireless for work and have bought telstra wireless. 3 mobile is ok, but forget if you are not in or near a capital city. Telstra is great almost everywhere but cost you mega bucks. 3 cost something like $30 a month for 3gb download, Telstra is maybe $70 a month for 1gb download. Both 3 and telstra drop out frequently in brisbane city.

  15. #15

    Re: internet providers

    thanks for all the repies guys. now i,m totally lost
    cheers ian

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