I want to try squid fishing. Never done it before. Got my bright material covered squid jigs of all different sizes ready to go
Now I just need to know how and where in the Bay I find some
Any tips?
Years ago, before the boat was stolen, I used to get them over the weedbeds on the Rous Channel Of the Amity Banks. Careful though, as a large part of this area is now a Green Zone. I also used to have luck around the reef and rubble patches out to the NE of Wellingon Point. If you get a few, chcuck one on for live bait. Got a few nice Cod around that area on live squid.
Land based, try any jetty with bright lights around it.
You can get a heap just drifting along the drop off out from Wello Point. I have also done really well in Raby bay. Not hard to catch. Just need patience.
Make sure you take a towel or some sort of lid for your bucket. When you lift em outta the water, put them in the bucket straight away and put the lid on it or you might be wearing an ink shade of shirt . lol.
They normally let go once in the bucket. Happy squiding!
I think the shornecliff pier is an option? http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/sho...d.php?t=132325
plenty in the days gutter off the western side of moreton island
Any of the weed beds along Moreton or the top half of North Straddy work well. The banks between Myora and Amity often produce the big Tiger Squid which are a lot of fun as they can top a kilo at times
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
i got 60 the other day in days gutter all big buggers to, try orange jigs on a flood tide
Can't beat gresh Calamari. Had my first not long ago from our trip up to Fitzroy Reef. You're right about the lights. We had our decklights on while fishing at night which attracted a heap of baitfish. Soon after we had 2 dozen or more big squid whizzing around the boat. Dropped our squid jigs in the water and watched them hook up hehe. Doesn't get any easier than that. We also wound a few up that had decided to maul our flesh baits and even got one on a soft plastic.
We used a landing net and gave them a bit of a shake up before boating them which seemed to work okay. Just try to aim them away from the boat as they can shoot it quite a way, certainly suprised me hehe.I did get inked once however lol. Mate thought it was hilarious, got me right in the face lol . We did however put them in a seperate bucket with a lid as said above. Apparently you don't want the ink in with your fish as it doesn't do them any good i've heard?
Unfortunately i can't help with location as i've only caught them once which was up north but hopefully this is of some help mate
Cheers and good luck
Last edited by Sharkie; 06-03-2009 at 12:15 AM. Reason: Missed information