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Thread: yellow tail fingfish legal size

  1. #1

    yellow tail fingfish legal size

    Hi guys, I was in a shopping centre yesterday and the local seafood shop was selling kingfish (whole) approx 50cm long, i thought the legal size had changed 1st of march to 75cm. i cant get on the epa website to find out. Does anyone know the new size for kingfish, if it is 75cm why is this shop allowed to sell undersize fish.

    regards sam...

  2. #2

    Re: yellow tail fingfish legal size

    You will more than likley find undersized fish and female crabs would be brought in from other states where our regs dont apply.


  3. #3

    Re: yellow tail fingfish legal size

    this comes up all the time, Farmed Fish do not need to comply with size regulations, and indeed, some species do come form Interstate where regs are different, you will see small Barra, Snapper, all sorts of stuff, people complain here about it, but a quick call to the apropiate Authorities is all it takes.

  4. #4

    Re: yellow tail fingfish legal size

    Actually Yellowtail Kingfish are an interesting one. As others have said probably from another state or have been farmed.

    Clean Seas Tuna are Australia's biggest fish farmers I believe and farm Yellowtail Kingies in big quantities in Spencers Gulf in South Australia. There are many escapees from the farms and this has created a problem of farm raised rat kings being in plague proportions at times. So there is actually a lower length limit of 45cm for Kingies caught in Spencers Gulf as an encouragement for Rec Fishermen to catch them and keep their numbers under control!.

  5. #5

    Re: yellow tail fingfish legal size

    Just a little bit of info from the Cleans Seas website to give you some idea of the scale of their operations.

    "In 2004/2005 The Stehr Group (Cleans Seas) produced in excess of:
    • 650 tonnes of farmed Southern Bluefin Tuna.
    • 600 tonnes of aquaculture-bred Kingfish.
    • 200 tonnes of aquaculture-bred Mulloway."
    And from their 2008 Annual report;

    "Overall, the company is satisfied with the growth in Kingfish and Mulloway production during the year, which increased from 1,319 tonnes in FY2007 to 3,280 tonnes in FY2008"

  6. #6

    Re: yellow tail fingfish legal size

    hhmm that's a lot of Fish huh?

  7. #7

    Re: yellow tail fingfish legal size

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    hhmm that's a lot of Fish huh?
    Sure is. Mainly sold into Japan for Sashimi.

  8. #8

    Re: yellow tail fingfish legal size

    Quote Originally Posted by Outsider1 View Post
    Actually Yellowtail Kingfish are an interesting one. As others have said probably from another state or have been farmed.

    Clean Seas Tuna are Australia's biggest fish farmers I believe and farm Yellowtail Kingies in big quantities in Spencers Gulf in South Australia. There are many escapees from the farms and this has created a problem of farm raised rat kings being in plague proportions at times. So there is actually a lower length limit of 45cm for Kingies caught in Spencers Gulf as an encouragement for Rec Fishermen to catch them and keep their numbers under control!.

    Yea thats wer im from wen it first happened it was awesome it was nothing 2 catch 40 rats in a day!!
    But now theres not that many left the ones that r are very cagey and huge really hard 2 catch but once they turn on its awesome!!!

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