I've got my 24Kg build under way (seeker 6455xh). Went with one of the hard plastic butt grips and alloy seat, all went on well, bugger all packing, got heaps of glue in there and looks the goods. Put the fron't grip on (14" Duralon) last night. Did the bands of A'dite well up the blank as well as spread all over the grip area thing. Swished some metho round in the grip for a bit and pushed it down on the blank (after chucking the thinner out). F.....K top third of the grip hasn't taken to the blank.
1. Figuring i should be ably to cut it off, tidy up the blak with some sand paper and go again right??.
2. Should i go with a smaller i/d grip, note that the one i used came to rest about 5cm from the top of the in place position when i let it fall down the blank with no pressure. It took some pressure to push down upon fitting but wasn't tight as a may have expected.
3. One of my other game rods has this sexy looking 16" tapered triangular shaped grip. Any ideas where i can get one of them? It looks so good its just got to catch more fish!
Any help would be good.
cheer's Scott