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Thread: Existing Marine Park Green Zones Are Effective Conservation Tools

  1. #1

    Existing Marine Park Green Zones Are Effective Conservation Tools

    CSIRO research is in the zone in Moreton Bay

    Published on 25 February 2009, 00:05 Last Update: 12 minute(s) ago by Insciences
    Tags: Life sciences Marine animals
    Preliminary research has confirmed that fish and crabs in existing protected ‘green zones’ in Moreton Bay are both bigger and more abundant than those outside the zones.
    25 February 2009
    CSIRO Wealth from Oceans National Research Flagship scientists in collaboration with EPA Queensland have nearly completed the first stage of a three year research program to evaluate the effectiveness of the expanded green zones soon to come into effect in the Moreton Bay Marine Park.
    The Marine Park stretches 125 km from Caloundra to the Gold Coast and covers about 3400km². Currently only 0.5 per cent of the park is designated as ‘green zones’ (where all fishing is excluded) but this will increase to 16 per cent on 1 March 2009.
    Project leader Dr Russ Babcock says that the increase in protected areas is highly significant for the local marine environment.
    The research is showing that existing marine park green zones are effective conservation tools.
    “The imminent re-zoning of the Moreton Bay Marine Park brings with it the need to understand the effect of protected zones on the conservation of key marine animals and also on the way people use the marine park,” Dr Babcock says.
    This knowledge will contribute to the planning of future marine protected areas around Australia.
    To determine the effectiveness of the zones on recreationally and commercially important species, Dr Babcock’s team are tagging and monitoring the size, number and distribution of crabs and fish using current green zones as well as the new green zones and sites outside of the protected areas.
    In addition, baited remote stereo underwater video cameras are used in deeper water, especially on the rocky offshore reefs. The video footage is also used to identify, count and measure fish within and outside the protected zones.
    “The project will objectively monitor the effectiveness of the re-zoning of Moreton Bay Marine Park, providing a sound basis for future decision making and long term monitoring in the park,” Dr Babcock says.
    The research is showing that existing marine park green zones are effective conservation tools.
    “We have found between four and 11 times more legal sized male mud crabs in sanctuary zones, fish catch rates also show a similar trend with many more legal sized fish in sanctuary zones,” says team member Mick Haywood.
    “Our work will continue to monitor the effectiveness of these zones, assisting in planning and decision making to ensure we are preserving the marine environment in the best possible way for all users of the bay.”
    The scientists are using thin yellow tags about the size of a matchstick to tag both fish and crabs. The public are asked to assist the research by reporting details of any tagged animals (size, location, date, tag number) by contacting Suntag on the 1800 number found on the tag. The public should not be concerned if research boats are seen working in green zones.
    National Research Flagships
    CSIRO initiated the National Research Flagships to provide science-based solutions in response to Australia’s major research challenges and opportunities. The nine Flagships form multidisciplinary teams with industry and the research community to deliver impact and benefits for Australia.

    Contact: Ms Edwina Hollander, 61 8 9333 6569 ,
    Source: CSIRO

  2. #2

    Re: Existing Marine Park Green Zones Are Effective Conservation Tools

    I would love to ask these scientists a couple of questions:
    1. If there are more legal sized fish in these protected areas, how many juvenile fish are there?
    2. At what point does the food supply run out in these areas..hence the fish either leave or the larger fish eat smaller fish which in turn will lead to declining numbers of fish.

    AND...Dr Russ Babcock was on our "expert advisory panel" which introduced these zones based on nothing.

  3. #3

    Re: Existing Marine Park Green Zones Are Effective Conservation Tools

    Dr Russ, confirming his own like me confirming my own income for tax purposes. Hardly peer-reviewed is it.

    Even so, if the science is now showing there are some benefits, I would like to see more. I have faxed the good Dr and asked if he can provide a copy of his report. The one thing which we need to know out of it, are there just more big fish or more little fish or what the ratio is. If there are just more bigger fish, then that is no good as there would be little juvenile stock as they would be getting eaten to make the bigger fish, well bigger.

    We wait and see.

  4. #4

    Re: Existing Marine Park Green Zones Are Effective Conservation Tools

    My undies are effective at keeping my nuts in, but I don't go around bragging about it.

    That's been peer reviewed. My wife checked...


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  5. #5

    Re: Existing Marine Park Green Zones Are Effective Conservation Tools

    Most of the fish species in Moreton Bay are seasonal and therefore migratory.

    I can't see how static "no fishing" zones can do anything more than temporarily protect them from possible capture while they remain inside the boundaries of those zones for comparatively short periods.

    On the other hand, size limits protect fish until they have the chance to reproduce themselves and bag limits restrict the number of fish that can be taken at one time by an angler which contributes to fair sharing of the resource and control of the catch rate of each species as necessary. This is a proven formular for management of a fishery.

    If closed zones corresponded to spawning areas and seasons (such as those on Fraser Island), there is benefit in allowing the fish to congregate and "do their thing" without disturbance and that is easily recognized as beneficial.

    The only thing that Marine Park green zones do to a fishery is transfer and concentrate the angling pressure into smaller areas which contributes to heavier pressure on fish in that area.

    A well managed fishery can reproduce itself time and time again if there is sufficient habitat to provide food, shelter and spawning grounds for each species.

    EPA would do a lot better if they concentrated on ensuring that polution and habitat destruction was contained /eliminated. they should leave fish stock management to the relative experts employed by DPI&F.

    At the moment, EPA is not protecting the habitat from the known and recognised deleterious practices of polution and habitat destruction.


  6. #6

    Re: Existing Marine Park Green Zones Are Effective Conservation Tools

    Spot on mate. Doesn't matter how effective the zones are or how many for that matter. If the pollution and other effects are not stopped there won't be a viable fishery fullstop!!
    It won't matter if we change the size and bag limits because fish won't survive the rubbish they are forced to swim in and they certainly won't reproduce if there are not any healthy nurseries left.
    This is why the rally and the focul point of SOBA and all concerned rec fishers everywhere is so important. We need to put viable pressure on whichever government to make sure the right things are being done in the right way. The above 'scientific research' is plausible but there is just too much other 'research' by equally qualified scientists that disagree.


  7. #7

    Re: Existing Marine Park Green Zones Are Effective Conservation Tools

    Bob Kearney and Walter Stark come mind Shane.......very very reputible scientists involved at the coal face for many decades; pointing out via science the same we say via observation - fix the water quality first, get the habitats firing, use bag limits and size limits wisely and you will get a better outcome.

  8. #8

    Re: Existing Marine Park Green Zones Are Effective Conservation Tools

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Ryan View Post
    Bob Kearney and Walter Stark come mind Shane.......very very reputible scientists involved at the coal face for many decades; pointing out via science the same we say via observation - fix the water quality first, get the habitats firing, use bag limits and size limits wisely and you will get a better outcome.
    Would love for Bob Kearney & Walter Stark to peer review those reports.

    IMO, it's laughable that a scientist who supports green zones is also involved in a research project to measure their effectiveness.


  9. #9

    Re: Existing Marine Park Green Zones Are Effective Conservation Tools

    To determine the effectiveness of the zones on recreationally and commercially important species, Dr Babcock’s team are tagging and monitoring the size, number and distribution of crabs and fish using current green zones as well as the new green zones and sites outside of the protected areas.

    mmmmmmmmmmm......... tagging fish in current green zones, tagging fish in new green zones and then tagging fish "outside of the protected areas"

    Where ? Behind the sand dredge ripping out sand for the Airport extention, won't be any fish or habitat left to tag or moniter

  10. #10

    Re: Existing Marine Park Green Zones Are Effective Conservation Tools

    Quote Originally Posted by Luc View Post

    IMO, it's laughable that a scientist who supports green zones is also involved in a research project to measure their effectiveness.

    It would be interesting to know who is funding the research project undertaken by the learned scientist wouldn't it ?

    It is obvious what the"research" will find and who will benefit from the good news of how wonderfully effective the zoning arrangements have been.

    And to think that some gullible people will believe all this psuedo scientific, self glorifying garbage.


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